How to Win The Super Bowl

Chukky Okobi

Basic Instructions Mind Mastery

An 8 year veteran of the National Football League and a Super Bowl winner with his hometown Pittsburgh Steelers, today he’s an emotional intelligence and integrative psychology professional, using his psychology expertise not only as a Keynote & Motivational speaker, but mainly as a mental performance coach for startup founders and entrepreneurs. Through his own professional journey through business, college and professional sports, Chukky Okobi has the personal experience to guide other ambitious corporate leaders to recognize that Success is Simple...if you know the Basic Instructions of Mind Mastery

What would that feel like for me to win the Super Bowl?…it’s a feeling you’re already intimately familiar with.  Think back on those memories that gave you those butterflies, that feeling of excitement in your stomach and they made your pulse race…the things that felt so right, it almost feels wrong.  And if you can just envision that feeling right there.  That’s what it feels like to win the Super Bowl.

If you can see that in your mind, then you can be it.

Imagine feeling that type of satisfaction…in your marriage…in your business or your career…in your relationships…that’s what we’re talking about.

We’re talking about Super Bowl level success.

Everyone’s got their own version of success….for me, mine just happened to be the Super Bowl…if you’re a physicist, then winning a Nobel Prize might be your Super Bowl victory.  For each and every person it’s about determining…what is the best possible experience I can imagine for myself?  That’s your Super Bowl.

When I talk about Basic Instructions,  it’s more than just a title or an LLC…that’s actually Basic Instruction #2…and that is decide on your specific desired outcome.  

One of the big things I run into is…I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this verbatim…”I know exactly what I don’t want.  But, I have no clue what I do want.”

It tells me there are some things going on at a deeper level that are leading them to stay focused on what they don’t want.  To the point where they haven’t even considered what they want.  They are just focused on avoiding that pain.

Zig Ziglar..said..’If you don’t know where you’re going.  You’ll probably end up somewhere else.’  So, yeah, it’s that important to know exactly what you want.

So what exactly do you want?  Some people might say “I just want to make more money.” Basic Instruction #2 : decide on your SPECIFIC desire outcome.  So, if you want more money, alright, I’ve got a quarter right here….you said you wanted more money, I got you a quarter.  Is that not more money?

My first specific desired outcome was to play for the Pirates.  But, that’s something I didn’t quite make and I had this football thing to fall back on, so I was ok.

I found sports and I found my male role models in my coaches…the men who told me what it was like to be a successful human being.

For me, it was more of an emotional and spiritual journey…playing sports…that was the place that I felt the most self-worth.

I had this vision in my mind and the value I was going to being to the world as an athlete.

So because I stayed focused on that desired outcome of becoming a professional athlete and going home to Pittsburg from age 7 all the way to age 22 when I was drafted, I got the specific desired outcome I wanted.

There’s 4 Basic Instructions…you have to do them in order….and you can’t leave any of them out in order for this to work the way it did for me.

Basic Instruction #1 : Let go of the past…without a shadow of a doubt, leaving that behind.  

It’s all about the way out human minds work.  We have two types of thinking as human beings…it’s about a 10%/90% split.  You have a conscious mind and you have the unconscious mind.  

Imagine a picture of a little girl.  Maybe she’s 3 or 4 years old…and imagine she has a dog…beautiful, beautiful Great Dane….she’s a 3 year old girl and this is 160 lb Great Dane..but it’s like Scooby Doo…just loves her and would never hurt her in a million years.  That little girl…is your conscious mind.  She’s got the leash.  She’s in control.  She makes the decisions…This dog is a lot bigger and stronger than her, but it’s a dog.  It doesn’t think in complex ways…that dog is your unconscious mind. 

The conscious mind is your everyday thinking.  The complex thinking…

Your unconscious mind, the dog, think about that as the animal mind…that mind is in charge of all of your instincts, your feelings and has the most important job to your existence and that is to keep you alive…

This dog is so big and strong..that mind is so powerful, it remembers everything that ever happened to you…since you were conceived.  Every experience that has any type of emotion attached to it?  It’s still in there. And that can be an issue depending on what it is.  

I like to illustrate how we hold onto those emotions…this way…envision a long hallway…with all these doors on either side…so this is how we store our emotional memories…on the left side we have…happy…grateful…love.  All emotions that feel really good.  So, every time you’ve felt this emotion…what the dog thinks is, these feel the same, so they take those memories…and put it into that room.  

Here’s the thing about emotions.  There’s no such thing as good or bad.  There’s positive and there’s negative.  

So (on the right side of the hallway) I have…angry…fear…guilty…so every single time that I’ve felt this emotion…it goes in that room.

Whichever room has the most stuff in it will create an emotional filter through which you engage your world.  

A lot of us think we are seeing things the way they are, but you’re not.  You’re seeing it through the lens of how you feel. And it skews every interpretation and perception of what you experience.  

We have 5 negative emotions and that’s it.  Any other word is going to fall under one of these headings….Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt, Guilt.

And there’s one other room and there’s a jukebox in that room…with vinyl records in it. And that’s ‘Limiting Belief’s Greatest Hits.’…the lyrics sounds like ‘I can’t…’ ‘I’m not…’ 

Basic Instruction #1…I have to clean every one of these rooms out completely…we can’t do anything until we do that.

Thoughts like ‘I can’t’ and ‘I’m not’ are not useful.  You might feel that way in this moment then we’ve gotta change the way you feel.  Period.

Now we get to Basic Instruction #2: Deciding a specific desired outcome.  That Super Bowl level success…

If I’m looking at my future through the lens of my past…and my fear room is jammed with a lot of stuff…that fear is going to be the filter through which I look at this….so instead of setting the bar high…that fear makes me set it down here.  And then what happens is, you’re gonna hit that goal and feel disappointed because it didn’t feel the way you thought it would.  And then that disappointment goes into the room and things get worse.

…so then you can get that vivid image of your Super Bowl level of success and write that story any way you want.

Basic Instruction #3 : Take the necessary actions that will make that specific desired outcome come true.

It reminds me of Don Harold…and he gave my favorite quote of all time…”Unhappiness is not knowing what you want and killing yourself to get it.”

What are all these days I’m putting in adding up to?

Basic Instruction #4 : Focus until.  …until that Super Bowl level experience is your reality.

The question you have to ask yourself is ‘Can I focus until?’ 

Follow Basic Instruction 1, 2, 3 over and over and over…

It’s about learning the emotional and mental disciplines to experience this, look at it and say ‘that sucked. I don’t need that.’ And keep going.  

It’s getting re-focused.  Why did I get up this morning?

I may have to recalibrate and decide on new necessary actions.  Basic Instruction #3.

…Then get back to 4.  Get focused and keep going. 


If you remember the movie (Wizard of Oz)…she had the power the whole time

When you think about my Super Bowl level result which was actually winning a Super Bowl Championship, these were the 4 Basic Instructions I followed.

It was actually easy.  I worked really hard, but it was easy to do when you’re feeling PONO.

We have to get out of our stories….our entire life actually is just stories

They tell me a story from some point in the past all the way up to right now…now what would you like to experience instead?  And then they tell me a story from this point to some point in the future, but all this stuff from the past isn’t real.  It came out of those rooms…it’s a story. And that vision they have for that Super Bowl success is not real either.  It’s a story they took out of their imagination.  The only things that’s real is right now. 

We need to retrain the dog.

I see my self like Cesar Milan.  I know how to talk to that dog….and it’s teaching that 3 years old kid how to get the dog to heel.  

When you think about getting to your Super Bowl level of success, the first question I would start with is ‘How well have I trained this dog?’…because if not, and it sees a squirrel, it’s going to be a long afternoon.

Learn to make forgiving a habit.

Skydiving, go to Maldives…but what I need to do?  Basic Instructions…and teaching people how much power they have…the real pandemic is self doubt.

A book and a compass.




Audio: Ariza Music Productions


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