How Do I Command a Room?

James Rosebush

GrowthStrategy, Inc.

James Rosebush has a passion for growing companies and growing people. His company and wealth management advisory practice is focused on crafting the architecture of growth and deploying these strategies to drive growth in earnings, revenue. sales, equity value, and goodwill. He has been engaged as he outsourced Chief Strategy officer by over 400 companies worldwide. He is also an executive and public speaking coach to any seeking to master opportunities to excel at leadership and public speaking. He is the author of three bestselling books and a frequent public speaker and media commentator. His years in the Reagan White House also equipped him with political management skills and relationships around the world.

You have to build a bridge to your audience with storytelling.

Break down the fourth wall.

That bridge needs to be a two way street.

Love people and they will love you back.

Bill Clinton was giving the state of the union address and the teleprompter misfired….

Be personally engaged in your subject.

Great speakers are not necessarily born.

The ability to speak and to communicate is directly linked to other aspects of personal security.

Getting past fear and insecurity

Margaret Thatcher: I talk to myself and she pivots from thinking about myself to thinking about her content.

Soak in your message.

You can’t be immersed in your message and thinking about yourself.

You have multi tracks going on in your head, recognize it and the fear of its intrusion will go away.

Martin Luther King got rid of fear through faith.

There are a lot of different tactics that we can use to get rid of fear.

Look under the bed.

A lot of fear and uncertainty comes from things that we have not addressed.

The biggest mistake I see people make is not setting that relationship with their audience.

If you reach one person in your audience you can feel that you’ve succeeded.

Speaking to One vs. Speaking to the Many

Imagine yourself speaking to one person, but be mindful that your eyes and gestures don’t leave anyone out.

Do not just assume all details are worked out.

I believe too much movement around a stage detracts from the power of your message.

If your thought is focused on your message, your body should be focused on your message.

Let your message be the power and not your body be the carrier of it.

You don’t become a leader by focusing on yourself.  Having a message outside of yourself is the way to win your audience in the end.

Don’t ever do a job that someone else can do.

Don’t ever start a battle you don’t know you’ve already won (Ronald Regan)


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