Making Your Dreams a Reality

Jerome Myers is the preeminent authority of dream realization. A believer that dreams can, and should be real, Jerome left corporate America when he realized that his role offered financial gain, but little significance. He is the founder and head coach of Myers Methods and has been featured in Black Enterprise, Business Insider and numerous podcasts.  After building a highly profitable division of a fortune 550 company, Jerome decided to leave the rat race to get away from what seemed to be the endless slew of layoffs.   He has developed a system for exiting corporate America and creating a life of impact.  Today, he and his company help other apex performers find their calling and live every day on purpose by harnessing the power of his model for a Centered Life, what he calls “the Red Pill”. Jerome and his firms can guide any individual from a monotonous uninspiring existence to a life of fulfillment and impact.

jerome myers

Myers Methods

They’re taught to be practical.  Typically the people around them want to protect them from having disappointment…so they keep them from stretching and growing and potentially ‘failing’.

The mindset we adopt usually comes from what’s given to us.

Until we make a deliberate decision to set our reality, our reality is programmed for us.

Unless they’ve had a tough moment in their life where they started to question everything…they haven’t done the reflection to know what they really feel and believe and hold to be true.

We break that by starting to ask some really tough questions.

I think that what happens very often is we just adopt the things that were done around us. And we never question them.

What happens when somebody sneezes?  Most people say ‘Bless You.’  Well, why..? I personally don’t bless people when they sneeze because….

When you get ready to make the transformation, the first piece is awareness.  Being aware that there is something different.

Is this it?  Is this really what I’m supposed to be doing?  Do I really believe that?  And there is a disconnect…and we traditionally ignore that.

If you go down the rabbit hole…and start pulling on the wires and see what’s really hard wired and what’s loosely connected, you’ll find a lot of the things that appear to be locked in and hardwired are really loose.

People wrap a chain around a gate, but won’t put a lock on the end.  People will assume it’s locked…But there are people who will go up and see that we can just unravel the chain and go in.  And that right there is the secret to those who achieve crazy success and those who wind up living a pretty mediocre life.  They just assume something is locked and don’t even try to figure out if they can get in.

We don’t ever really understand our power until we choose to explore it.

The elephant…has already made up its mind that it won’t be successful at that, so it doesn’t even try.

Self worth is level one of The Red Pill….it really just goes back to your ability to keep promises to yourself….it’s like a deposit in the bank….there’s nothing left to pull from.  So when they’re counting on themselves to do something and there’s nothing left to pull from, they decide that they can’t or won’t do it.  Keep stacking that up?  And it will make you feel like you’re worthless.

You wind up building this prison for yourself that you can’t get out of without a little bit of help.

Set up your day where you can have a win as soon as possible.  You build momentum and that momentum keeps going.

When you’re accountable to yourself, your ability to hold other people accountable is really easy.

Other people will be more accountable to you when they know that you’re an accountable person because they don’t want to let you down.

The thing with forgiveness for ourself is we actually know how hard we tried and what our true intention was.  There is no ability to lie to yourself because you are the decision maker in the process.  With other people, we can give them the benefit of the doubt.

The forgiveness is for you.  It’s not for them.

People like being the victim because they feel that it puts them in a position of power against the other person.  “Well, you owe me because you did X.”  But at the end of the day, you’re giving your power away to everybody else.

The second layer of the Red Pill is relationships.  You fix the way you relate with yourself and that changes the way you relate with others.

You want mutually beneficial relationships.

People with low self esteem are giving everything away in the hopes that people will find them worthy.

In a mutually beneficial relationship…you wind up in a place of abundance.

Liz Gilbert…wrote a book…a lot of the creatives had these tough situations..because the weight…was so heavy that they couldn’t handle it…channeling the creative through them….so not responsible for the work.

Jacko Willink talks about extreme ownership

I think the truth is somewhere in between.

In order for something to have value, there has to be an exchange.

Sit in the quiet.  If you’re spending quiet time with yourself every day… you don’t have the chance to hear the inner voice….walk in and right away turn the tv on…scared to be alone with their thoughts.

If you spend enough time with yourself, the voice will make it very clear.  I suspect that everyone really knows what it is, they just don’t want to hear it.

We live in a world where the majority of folks are ok with being mediocre.

It starts with the end.  You know where that place is, then you figure out how you’re going to get there and you have the milestones along the way…to show that you’re making progress.

Those milestones are extremely important because…

Do I think enough people do it?  No.  Because I think everybody should do it.

When you’re reflective, you’re able to slow it down…and be strategic…and a whole lot more deliberate in your action.

It’s either Hell, Yes!  or No.  

When you get clear on the place that you’re going…it gets so much easier to decide what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t. And that right there is magical because you’re now free.  Making this one decision frees up a thousand other decisions.

Multi tasking typically doesn’t work and sequence is extremely important.

The dreams will stack on top of each other…the person that you have to become to fulfill that first dream is going to be necessary for you to do the other one.

No is the beginning of the negotiation.  

The conflict is the beauty of life….you’re convinced you’re getting to the best solution instead of being right.

Back in 2010, I realized I wasn’t living the life I should have been living…I hadn’t utilized the second chance I’d been given to live.  It began to weigh on me and I had to redefine…my experience and how people were going to experience me.

Get to the quiet space and listen.

Dreams should be real.

I believe there is one law and the law is love.

Audio : Ariza Music Productions


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