Manufacturing Success

Jason Azevedo


Jason created his first manufacturing company with just $600 when he was only 15 years old. At this young age he was able to establish business with some of the greatest companies in the world such as Starbucks, Nike, Disney, Marvel, Volkswagen, Audi, Lucas films, dodgers, NBA teams. By the time he was 20 he was already making millions in revenue.

Jason is one of the most dynamic people you will meet.  He owns and operates the last standing MADE IN AMERICA factories (IN CALIFORNIA NO LESS!) and has hatched a plan to give back the factories and some of his wealth to the American workers.

In 2009, Jason co-founded Mosaic, taking on the role of CEO — his talents are far beyond running the company, with duties touching conceptual development, engineering, and deployment. Since 2009, Jason’s been at the helm of growing the company year-over-year, acquiring several entities, and creating several others to round out manufacturing efforts. His emphasis on Made In America is a driving force for how the various companies he’s co-founded operate. He also assists with business development and client strategy and is an integral part of how we operate.








Instagram: @jasonazevedomrca

Audio : Ariza Music Productions

Transcription : Vision In Word


Jason Azevedo created his first manufacturing company with just $600 when he was only 15 years old. At this young age, he was able to establish business with some of the greatest companies in the world like Nike, Disney, Marvel, Volkswagen and Lucasfilm. By the time he was twenty, he was already making millions in revenue. Among other things, he has gone on to Co found mosaic growing with company year over year. Welcome Jason.


Awesome, thanks for having me. I'm excited to talk to them.


So, I'm intrigued by this because at 15 years old, what at that point did you know about business?


That it was a thing that people do. It was wonderful moment in time because you don't know what you don't know, so you go try it and we had this harebrained idea to go print T shirts and that grew and grew and grew and it let's see where we're at today. We started in February of 2000. Here comes the late 2007, early 2008 crash. We lost everything before we had anything. It was so you learn business in a way that no one else did and it wasn't reading a ton of books. You were living one of the hardest markets in history, and it taught you just how to kind of deal with the emotional side of stuff, the business side of it, the finance and we just kind of learn and put our heads down and kept on working.


You know, it's interesting that you bring that up because I thought people with the pandemic that we're starting businesses in the early pandemic. That in some ways they had a little bit of an advantage because you were already seeing where the holes were, so you know what? To plug up so. It seems the same kind of. Thing for you is that.


Yeah, it was actually really interesting because what ended up happening was, we were able to buy equipment cheaper than any other company could because there's fire sales going on left and right. All of the big competitors they were. It wasn't a huge margin business, so if they lost one or two major clients, it really hurt them. So, we were able to pick up clients that were dropping off of them. So, what everyone was telling us was so horrible time to start a business. You don't lose everything or like we don't have anything to begin with $600 Think so. We kind of just shut out all the noise and when you are really peel the back, it was such a great time to do it because everything was on sale and clients existed and now it wasn't the easiest time. No, of course not, but it really did give your insight to 1st off what not to do because you could see what didn't work in the business. The other cool part was everyone was willing to help you because everyone was kind of in a bad spot. So, when we're saying, hey, we're just starting a lot of the elders in the industry are like oh, you stupid kids. OK, try looking at it this way. In this way, so we use it to our advantage. And I think you're right. So, one thing with the pandemic. It gave people an opportunity where it's like hey I can't work anyways, so you might as well just do something else.


Yeah, so you're 15 and you're making T shirts. How do you get on the radar of these major come?


So, there's a couple ways. First off, at 15 we started making like high school T shirts and like family picnics and it was not the crazy stuff we got into by 16-17 realized there really wasn't a business model in that, at least not for us and my brother and I are super. Creative developmental we are manufacturers at our core. And we started thinking about it like hey, we want to do crazier and bigger and not more, not stuff and you got to remember. Right? The markets at this time nobody is spending extra money on a family reunion or an extra T shirt for their school. The only people are spending money are these high-end things. So, we start developing the most complex crazy what's talking people like. Don't do that. You'll never make money. Printing like that like, well, we're not gonna. Make money printing the other way, either. So, we started developing crazy stuff. Well, what happens is. The markets pulling back. Nobody wants to do this development to work at the time. We are the only ones crazy enough to do it because we don't have business anyways, so everyone else is doing this, kind of retreating mode. And we're just you. Have this crazy idea. I'll try that. You have a crazy idea. I'll try it you. Have a great idea I'll try it and you become that person is trying everything, and the other side is. We shared everything you wanted to know what we were doing. I was on every form until this day. I try, we try to keep our doors open with everything where it's hey. I'm not protecting my getting my information. I mean of course. There's certain business things you have to, but. Through the greater majority of it were like no check out this where we're doing people jump on the phone how did you guys do that? How did. It work and we'd share that information well. What ends up happening is even when you share the information and like you know what? You're the expert in this space? Don't you just take these three accounts for me, and we just became the experts in our space and that's what we've done with all of our manufacturing companies. Hey, we share information all day long. Nothing we're doing is all that cutting edge is the reality. We're not building an iPhone here. It's like this is it's manufacturing like do you. This isn't the. Greatest thing on it, and if you even. Look at it. Look at what Elon's done with. With Tesla, where he released all the patterns. And it's like. Hey guys, if we share information, we. Grow faster and that's what we. Did and that's how we. Got into these big names. Accounts and then there was a. There was some lock in there. Of course. I mean we met the editor of one of the largest publications in our industry. It happened to be her birthday and she was alone. In a restaurant and. Kind of look sad and my brother and me. Just didn't know that she was there. She was part of the. Industry and we're. Just like hey you wanna just join us for dinner? Like you, you seem bored. And we had a bunch of. Other people, that's what comes. Out, this happens to be. The editor of one of the largest industry magazines. So, it like, but it was all it and it's. Always been for. Us just go out, be nice, help people and it. Pays you back in in triplicate every time.


But you know, and that's such an interesting and key point, because I'm a firm believer too, that you don't come from a place of sales, you come from a place of service and I agree with you 180% about sharing your information, because even without what I do, nothing I do is proprietary. I create images for people, and you know the more we can share with what we do and pull back the curtain, the bigger we grow, the better we get.


Well, it's on my thumb every morning at 9:00 AM. No matter what time zone I'm in, I move time zones a lot at 9:00 AM. My phone says fix clients problem cause that's what we pushed. We're not doing anything insanely complex. It is the true reality of it. And if you can do that every single day, you will continue to be at very least seen as the person who fixes bombs, and everybody likes the person who fixes the problem. So, regardless of anything else, you've got one up there because it's, hey, you're coming in. How do we take on this issue? You wouldn't bring me the issue if it wasn't causing you a problem, so let's figure it out. I see it, especially in our manufacturing industry. People are very stuck in their ways. And go Oh no, that's not going to work. Guys it's gonna work like somehow now might not work today, might not work tomorrow, but it is going to work if we're putting rockets up in space, landing them back. On moving boats, and I think we could figure out how to make it.


Boy yeah, how much do you think we all need to be open to the quote. UN quote crazy ideas.


I think we have to be very open to and then went through, so I tell everybody in my company things happen for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you're stupid and made. A bad decision. It's like, hey so yes. Listen to the crazy ideas, but also realize crazy ideas are crazy. Sometimes, I've heard a lot of people that come up with a crazy solution to a problem that doesn't exist and it's like no, no, no, that's a crazy idea like it's just that that's rude, Goldberg device. If that brings you joy and you want to do it, go ahead, and do. But understanding the crazy ideas need to be solving a crazy problem, and if SpaceX didn't have the problem, that it was too expensive to get rockets to Earth and our to outer space and back. It is a completely ridiculous idea to land on a moving platform, but that changes the game. So, it's understanding the crazy ideas. Is crazy, but if they're solving an issue, then they're worthwhile.


Yeah, and you know that's the other thing, it's core, that's all business is. It's super solving a problem for money. That's it.


Exactly, there's a famous quote, “the bigger the problem that you solve, the more money you will make.” It's just that simple. If you're willing to go on to bigger and crazier problems, you will get better and better results. But understanding that the harder that problem is, the more failure that you're going to have to learn to adapt with on the process of learning. And I watched this a lot. Like I can't take on this crazy problem, I'm gonna fail 20 times like you're lucky it was only 20 perfects so it's truly understanding that and building up that tolerance to failure is incredibly important. And there's really no way to do about tolerance up rather than just failing a lot. There's a lot of studies that show that were very successful their whole lives, really good at sports, really good in school. Because they haven't learned to fail all time where you get the guys who fail all the time, they end up becoming these great leaders because like I don't even know what it's like to not fail, so why not keep on trying?


Yeah, So what would you say that your brand became known for?


We build, I was doing a talk the other day, I explained something I think I was that kid when I was growing up that was pigpen from Charlie Brown, right there. Like, it was just a mess around me at all times. I could like go missing for 30 seconds. Come back with grease all over me. Uh, I was also the kid with Legos in my entire life and we're building up these crazy things. Well, what we learn or what I learned is, we can actually make it clear. We build everything, and the way we do is, we do manufacture, and we've done everything from children toys to the control panels for nuclear reactors to beauty lighting products. I mean, you name it. And everyone and. Add to that company. Just building companies so that are my personal brand new. The brand around us as we build things and then we build solutions. It’s hey, what is that process to get a result in an item and that is what we're known for and it's exciting and the one with our with mercy. Now we're building local communities and that is really the fun one. Where it's like I get to build a product that builds a company, that builds a local community. It's starting to get really cool cause you're starting to compound that growth.


So, talk to us a little bit about that, what's that all looking like?


OK, so for functionally, we own a private equity group. But really, we're manufacturers. We use private equities. It's cool. We're going out with buying legacy US manufacturing companies usually second third generation. I did this privately before me, my brothers and other partners, both links, and then we truly realized that these legacy manufacturing companies are oftentimes the cornerstone of their local community, and they are good paying jobs, they're safe. This isn't the factories people are used to seeing. These are good jobs with low barriers to entry that really give everyone an opportunity to succeed. So, we buy these companies; we're bolting them together over a process of about 5 to 7 years. We're expecting, leaving them in the local communities that they serve and bringing business to them through the network of companies. Are investors realize return as we're pulling the profits and we sell it. But then we added in a little caveat. At the end we are actually going to transfer 100% of the ownership to the employees through an ESOP, so that the ownership of those legacy companies remains in that look. We see it as our way to truly make a change. We are and make returns because it is a business and that is the reality. But those two do not have to be against each other and we really want to see these local communities strength in American manufacturing is it's about to go through the most meteoric rise, it's seen in 100 years. It's a really special time in history. So, what we're doing is we're making sure that that's preserved at the local level with a national presence so that you get the best of both worlds.


Love that. So, let me kind of pull all this together for a minute and ask you, how do you go out and do create these opportunities for yourself? Or are they a product of networking and finding out what needs to be done and information? Do you leverage other relationships that you've had?


Oh God! I wish there was an easy answer to that, of course, because of our track record opportunities are brought. I will say between my brother and I; we probably look at anywhere from 25 to 100 opportunities. This week we're looking at company. I have my entire team as a firm belief, there's no way to find an opportunity unless you go to it. So, last week we drove from Austin, TX to Dallas, TX, Dallas, TX, Little Rock, Little Rock to Northern Arkansas, Northern Arkansas, Memphis, Memphis is Cocoa Beach FL because most of the companies we look at and work with our in rural areas. So, getting an airplane to each one of them is virtually impossible. So, we just drive, and people think we're nuts, and we are, but you gotta get yourself out there and go see what you're working on and meet the people, meet the community, understand what makes it tick and you can't do that once you put the work in. It's kind of funny almost to me cause they're doing it from it. If they're doing it from very much a financial standpoint and there the opportunities, will it have to check 15 boxes. That's just not the way we do it. Our skill sets different, so we were on the road a lot more. And I'm sure all of ours, families wish we did it from the desk, but it's not in our DNA to do it that way.


So, you're at that point now. However, lets pull it back a little bit. Let's say somebody has their T shirt idea, whatever that happens to be, what would you say to them? But as far as advice goes, to develop higher level partnerships and relationships.


First off, tell everyone what you're doing. Not from a sales pitch, not from anything else. I've met a couple guys that are very good at it, and you don't realize you're being pitched shell about day later, unless you do that, good stop pitching. Just tell people what you do. You'd be amazed how many people just would love to connect you with somebody else because it makes them feel good. But if you pitch them there, they shut you down immediately, so we've always just talked about what we did to everyone like oh, what do you guys do? I mean, we work in non-fancy industries. So, I always love when people, what do you do? Oh well, I handle high level, or I handle financial transactions for a multibillion-dollar company, actually cashier at McDonald's. But technically true where? Then you get us right. What do you do? I print T shirts, or I work enough factory and people like wait what? He's like, hey, just simplify to what you actually do?

Be open and honest about it because there is very much a tall poppy syndrome. Also, people will always help you if they feel like you're at their level or blow them the second they you are. I watch people with their brands all time trying to be this like superstar, and everyone like, well, I can't help you, your superstar. It's like, well, no. Just say where you're at and what you're doing, and you'd be amazed how many people come out and go, oh, I know somebody, something like that. I can introduce you to that. Or hey, I have a project that kind of needs that skill set, so that's the first and foremost, is do not oversell yourself lives as this genius, because then every single person looks human goes oh, I can't help you, because you've already got it figured out. So, the humbleness and not humbleness to. That’s like false humbleness. That’s the other side of the coin where it's like dude, OK just acknowledge exactly where you're in the next one, just be willing to help people. I know it sounds overly cliche and simple, but I've been amazed cause I'll go to networking events, and I'm fortunate enough to have one of the most amazing friend groups on Earth. I mean, you've got people that have literally influenced world decisions. You've got guys who are artists that are doing their thing. You got guys who got more zeros behind their net worth than. I care to mention so it's a very interesting group and we're all very close to each other. In that group, anybody asks for help, and they will drop what they're doing and do it right away. I've gone to some of these networking events, like the little local ones and every person is like what can you do for me. And it's the weirdest thing where I'm like, but these guys schedules are almost impossible to get in and they will drop everything to help you guys, unless it benefits you won't do it, and you're like okay, is that a product? I'm already here, so I'm trying to help. Or I got here by trying to help and what I've come to realize our very repetitive, the way they got there is the willingness to help. As long as people can remember to kind of state, stand that honest, humble zone and then also help anytime you can.

I had one of my friends over the other day. We've been friends for years, come out to dinner with his family. I know it's kids really well. I once stayed at his house, he stayed at mine. He was actually staying at a ranch in Texas and we're sitting there, have a glass of wine and I suddenly realized he didn't know what I did for a living. He knew also manufacturer did had no private every funnel. Just sit there he goes you know that is your them worst sales pitch I've ever heard. You guys are looking for investors and I didn't know what you do, I'm like because I see you as my friend. I don't see you as somebody in pitching. And he literally trusts me, and he goes, I'm gonna invest in you guys. I'm like I didn't mean like that. I was like we're just talking my stuff and he's like not why. I'm Like because that's not what we leave, and that gets you into trust with people. If you're not begging them for stuff every day, they will come and just be like, hey, I just wanna be on this team, would be fun.


Yeah, and you know, back to those networking events, too people can smell desperation from a mile away. But like you said, the minute you are not in it for you, and you are in it to help others and serve others, it becomes a different ball game. It really does.


Yeah, totally. And  it's hard to describe to people because it does sound cliche and I'm the first ethnic. Of course, their selfishness in any transaction, which is the reality. So, you also can't just  Jam that down and hide all of it. You are running a business, You do need to. The reality is you want the bottom line to grow like this. We have to put all that on the table. But you don't Have to have that be your primary focus and the there's a famous Richard Branson thing, “I take care of my employees, my employees take care of my customs.” Simple as that. Well, and he follows it, Stick it. Through thick and thin. We as we take care of our employees. They take care of their communities that make sure, that our revenue that Spartans too. If  you become of service to people. They will maybe not them, but maybe someone they touch or some something. It just the whole. World functions better.


So, let me ask you this, what to you is the line between humility? let's say, if you have a win or something exciting happens, where does that line ball?


It's different for everyone. I am the worst at celebrating my wins the going joke for me is that as soon as I see that I'm going to score the touchdown. And move the goal posts. I moved the line a bit. I think it really comes down to how you celebrate how you treat your losses has to be in direct connection with how you treat your wins. If you're going to treat your loss is like the worst thing on earth , you need to treat your wins like the best of luck. It that I personally don't treat my losses very hard. I mean I, of course I take them very personal and take his learning devices, but they're not, Oh my God, everything is going to die where were horrible? On the counter side. Of that, I don't get to celebrate the win. There are three types of leaders, the guys who every time they lose, it's their teams fault and every time they win, they are the greatest Leaders on earth. There's what for years. I tried to be, and it was every time we lose, it's my fault because I should let the team better and every time we win, it's the teams win. And that's not healthy. So, we switched mentally for me and the way we treat is. We lost together ,we all win together. It really doesn't. It's How do we get it to that next step And move forward. The other part of that too is also let people on your team experience the wins and losses the way they want, because I've got people on my team, they really need that win. And we give it to them, because hey, if that's what drives you, my brother is one of the most competitive people on earth, I Love him dearly. I love doing business, but when he loses piston when he wins, he's happy so, It's hey, let him enjoy that process in his way, not necessary. So, I really do think it's different for everyone. What's not healthy is every time you lose, it's everyone else’s fault. But every time I win, I'm a genius. Like, that is the person that should be removed from every single team.


Yeah, and you know, it's funny because I remember reading something once that if you can't take responsibility for your failures, then you cannot take responsibility for your wins, because it's the same person.


Exactly! You have to accept that. The reality is it goes back to everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it's because you made a stupid mistake, you have to just accept it and the second you accept it, it's so much easier to get over it. Fear or anxiety is just the fear of the unknown. Well, if you just take something head on and go, I failed, the anxiety disappear. Here's cause it's not unknown anymore. You know exactly what happened, you failed, and you just move on. The more I'm around people who are very successful, whether it be in sport, art, business, and we talked to them, they all have that same outlook. They're like, yeah, I mean, you win some, you lose some. The goal is to have the number of the total dollar amount on the winds behind the losses. That's it.


Let me ask you, do you separate who you are from who your brand is? I know as a business owner or as an entrepreneur, there's a very blurred line. But do you have separate components?


Yes, so I am builder, I'm kind of bouncy, I'm the scattered brain. I'm kind of like pig pin or beaker or you choose which one of the crazy characters there. And that's part of who I am. When we come out, you’re going to have a joke every 30 seconds. They're probably not be good, but it's just going to be now. When we come to our organization, there is a dashboard, professionalism and because what we're doing is financial transactions. You need that professionalism, and what I don't think you can do is, separate the collective brands of the individuals from the court. So, if you look at me plus my 4 GPS and you combined all of our personals, we create the corporate . Many people try to create this corporate that is not a melding of their team. Now you've got this disbelief. Like, where's the professional guy? Like, what's going on here? So, we do have a clear difference between the two. Of course, there's heavy influence of any partner in the main brand, because that's where it came from. Now, when you're a single founder entrepreneur, it becomes a lot harder because now there really isn't more influence. So, I think in that situation, you have to become more synonymous with the brand and that case. But for us, it really is a collection of us that you will see if you look at the corporate side. If you look at us personally, it's definitely like, if you look at ours corporate stuff, there will never be a grant our, there shouldn't be a grammar or spelling here. You look at anything that like a post from me or something and those are most of the right letters in the right order, right?


So, what do you think has been the biggest influencer to your success?


I've asked a lot of questions. My favorite thing to say is I don't know, I don't understand what you're talking about, can you dumb that down for me? I learned it from being 15, walking into an industry full of people that were in their 50s and 60s. What we learned very early on especially, people who are kind of on exit route of their career, too many people stop listening, and they want to share their information and their future or what they see for the future more than any person. Because they're on exit route, they don't see you as competition. By the time you get your feet wet, they're out anyways. So, we just learned by chance luck skill. I don't know, but to go just ask these guys who had all of this information to share. What do you think? What can you explain to me how you got here? I'm thinking about trying this. No, that's gonna end badly. So, that has been our biggest skills just. Talking to people who've done it and maybe not done it in your industry. Some of our best things have come from people who like, they were in real estate and what did you learn? Well, I learned don't ever get too far over your skis with mortgages cause even though there's so. Maybe they're not, and you add up all that information and then synthesize it yourself, but that has been our number one key and mind monkey is, just talk to people who are willing to share information. If you can't find people who are willing to share, go find people whose careers being almost over. Because I guarantee you, they're getting frustrated. People stop listening to them, and it's the saddest thing on earth where it's like this. Guys got the longest career path, and the information is no longer good. I mean, especially something like manufacturing which isn't that new of an industry. This isn't like high-tech or something. So, just talk to people who have information to share.


Love that and you know, a friend of mine says we don't just get to the top. We have to get there by a ladder and so, each one-off. Those people is wrong to the next step. So, with that Jason, I just have four final questions for you, and the first one is, what's the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?


You can never have enough buckets. So, we're walking a manufacturing plant one time with a gentleman. He was selling whole plan. He got in the industry and he's talking about stuff and him. Turns to us he goes, you could never have enough buckets and my brother and I, no clue what he meant. About six months later, we've learned that people clean buckets in the industry and it's when you pencil out it. It's to save money so you can reuse the bucket. But if you pencil out, it actually costs you an extra dollar. What he had told us was forget the simple answer and go look for the rite aids. And till this day, we repeat this all the time when people are just shooting from the hip and going, oh, this would be the right thing. It's like you never have enough buckets. Go figure it out and it has stuck with us. It's one of the weirdest things on earth anybody just started working for us. Always is like, never enough buckets we've got. But it's just gone. Actually, look at the problem instead of just assuming, oh, if I clean it out, I'll save money.


Love that. Show us one thing on your bucket list.


So, we own a Ranch. I have wanted to try barrel racing my entire life. It is a female sport. I understand that I am too heavy for it, but I will figure out how to trial barrel racing, and males have started to do it on bigger horses. So, I want to try barrel racing.


When the toy companies finally get around to making an action figure of you, what 2 accessories will it come with?


Probably a hammer and some horse reins.


And the last one, how do people find you?


Best way is if you go to, there's actually links on there you can schedule direct time with me. If you've got any questions regarding anything we've done or doing, interest in investing with us, anything that's there, I go back to what we've been talking about this whole time. There's always access to me. The link is on there. You can go directly onto my calendar and reserve a slot to talk making.


Thank you, thanks so much for being here.


Awesome, thank you.


Along the Path to Success


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