Whoomp! (There It Is!)

Recently featured in the fun Auto Insurance Commercial for Geico the 90s classic Reel School HIP HOP  due TAG TEAM is back on TOP. Bursting onto the scene with their TOP OF THE POPS hit and automatically became one of those songs that stick in your head. “Whoomp! (There It Is).” The track quickly climbed to #1 on the Billboard Hot R&B charts in just 14 days. The song continues to appeal to admirers who were raised in the ‘90s and appeals to new enthusiasts of every era as it is recognised as a true symbol of the time. “Whoomp! (There It Is)” has been showcased in world-class nationwide ad campaigns as well as in Hollywood hit motion pictures and television series

Other top songs  from their  hit album  Whoomp! (There It Is)  includes "Freestyle" and “U Go Girl”.  Spanning the spectrum from TV and Radio Adverts, programmes, films and sporting events TAG TEAM’s music  has risen to be the defining 90’s Hip Hop Melodic Voice.  The big hit “Whoomp!” remains highly relevant and those ranging in age from 8 to 108 continue to groove and boogie down  to the exceptional tune.

Listen to their top hit and more 


With ‘90s hip-hop more recognisable than ever, venues all over the world are energized to watch Tag Team live and in action. Social media has also supplied a new avenue for converting music enthusiasts into “Whoomp!” fans. DC Glenn and Steve thrive on hooking up with brand new fans who have discovered them via viral Facebook posts and appreciate seeing their blissful faces when they listen to the song performed live.

Tag Team pioneers DC The Brain Supreme and Steve Rolln stay dedicated to entertaining fans and delivering an old-school hip-hop blowout to hotspots around the world. Audiences for Tag Team events vary in age from the very young to the ‘old fools from the old school’ and “Whoomp!” delivers the ‘90s experience like no other. DC Glenn and Steve love the powerful experience of looking over a jam-packed arena and comprehending how much their simple song has inspired the lives of countless millions throughout the world. The legendary tune and dynamic high school friends captivate those of every generation as their style speaks to folks who remember when hip-hop was truly hip-hop. The degree of anticipation at a Tag Team concert is almost palpable as fans wait in delight for the high-energy party that’s to come. 

In addition to their consistent old school performing schedule, both DC Glenn and Steve Rolln are also sought-after international speakers. A professional voice artist and actor, DC Glenn is represented by the People Store Agency in Atlanta and frequently talks on the challenges of the music industry. Steve Rolln, a talented music producer who regularly looks for fresh talent, addresses sophisticated ways of getting into the industry. Both DC Glenn and Steve are sought-after presenters at music training seminars, law colleges and universities, and entertainment industry events.

Follow them on social media for updates and exclusive behind the scenes looks 


INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dcglennatl

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/dcglennatl

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dcglennatl

PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/dcgottaeat/


It is all relevant and it is all relative.  Everything goes with everything else and that is where I think my mastery lies.

I was embarrassed at first…I love being incognito.  I love being below the radar….I was a the pharmacy…no, you gotta put the chip in Sprinkles…and I was like ‘no you didn’t’ and she was like ‘I don’t care if you’re mad.  My daughter loves you!’…you just made my day.  

That is the thing that brings everybody joy and it has essentially turned into the new party people.  

My father forced me to play trumpet and my mother forced me to take piano lessons.  

I got to the 11th grade and I met Steve…Steve was in a band that played in the quad during lunchtime sometimes…I gotta be in that band….I gotta be in that choir…I went to my first high school dance and I saw a DJ use two turn tables and a mixer…THAT is what I want to do…I honed my skills and wound up doing every fraternity party…and I became a force to reckon with.

I started DJing in Atlanta….I never looked back.  I kept making music.  

I realized I was in the wrong place to do the type of hip hop I was doing.  

Do it your way, but go back to the essence of hip hop.

Whoomp! There it is…it was a party saying…It was just a song about guys chasing women on a Friday night.  

I took it to work that night and played it…and to this day it’s the biggest response to any record Ive ever played.

Back in the day, there were only two big hubs of music.  NY and LA.  

One of my reps from Columbia records was in the house…and he was like ‘What is THAT?’…I’m taking this to NY.

I almost gave up.

‘Brother, I don’t have to hear the record.  I hear it in your spirit. Let’s agree to agree and get this thing moving.’

I gave my notice…signed a messed up record deal and in a month and a half we were platinum and the rest is history.

I don’t regret anything because I’m a grown man and it was my responsibility…to do my due diligence.

We actually signed a decent deal but there was a point where we had to sign over a piece of our rights and I didn’t really know what it was and I signed it anyway.  And that was the fatal flaw. 

…Tag Team is in the middle and they’re the pawns for the game…

You better become a paralegal. So, that’s what I did.  I learned about discovery..case law…how to file a motion…I Iearned all these things and I prepared.

We prevailed.  But it came at a cost. 

That challenge, that heartache, that pain was the very thing that taught me how to sequester my ego and sequester my pride. 

I’m watching Will Farrell dance on a table in Elf to Whoomp! There it is.  And I’m happy, but I’m mad because they didn’t even ask me…

When you sequester your ego and pride, your mind is open to every possibility

I had a forever hit record…so that is an evergreen product…then it is up to me to make my money.

I’ve always been on this journey to learn everything I could about what it is I love to do.

I’m not just your DJ.  I am your sound guy, light guy, I do the flyers, I do your video, I do your television commercials, I do your flash photography.  I do everything. And what I’ve done is essence is make myself invaluable because you’ve got to hire 10 people to do everything I can do.

If you hustle hard enough, live long enough, learn how to learn, you become masterful at those trades. Then they all come into one big ball and they serve you in way you never could image as time goes along and you become ambidextrous in life.  

They beat me out of some money, so I became a licensed commodities broker.  

I’ve developed learn how to learn hustle tactics.  It is not enough just to learn, you have to learn How to learn.  What does that look like?  Well…

Everything is about narrowing the focus…

Why should I let you manage my hedge fund?…and what they don’t realize is while they’re pitching me, they’re teaching me.

There are unintentional consequences in a positive way for things that your do…the time is not wasted.

Learn how to run your life like a corporation…

I learned how to learn in a way that always puts me in a position to flourish.

What can I do when I’m in the corridor now?

A business plan is difficult.  Took me 6 months, but I did it.  

When you’re doing all those things in the beginning, it may seem like you’re all over the place because you actually are. Because you don’t know where to go, but some of those things you start liking.  And voice over was one.  

I wanted the best coaches.  It was hard.  It was challenging.  But, I never gave up.

And for the past 12 years, this microphone has pulled me from the abyss so many times when nothing else could.

The world thinks that Barack Obama was in your music video.  

We didn’t have a web presence, that’s why she couldn’t find me….I vowed that would never happen again, so that’s what started my SEO career.  

I didn’t give up.  I play offense.  I don’t quit.  

2020…I get a call from my acting agent..DC!  You just booked a Geico commercial….They were able to find me in one stroke.

It’s a testament to perseverance, steadfastness, continue to train…and the one thing the pandemic did for me was I vowed to not leave this Earth regretting something I always wanted to do that I didn’t do.  

The traditionalists will say…you cannot do it like this…you can’t do everything….you’re right…but I sure enough can be prepared for everything.  

The very thing you just disapproved of, you now approved of said differently….because preparation is doing everything

I don’t move fast…I gotta vet this…if you’re coming at me…and I don’t know nothing about it, that’s my fault…or something else suffers that’s a bigger lick…that’s my fault

What is your bucket list? Oh.  That’s a different question.  

You’ve given me every reason why you can’t do something instead of one reason why you can and I’m trying to pay you.

Learn how to learn hustle tactics.  This is my greatest one ever.  Whenever somebody tells you you can’t do something…join an organization, society or association.  Cuz those entities are filled with people who love their profession…and they can’t wait to run their mouth and tell you everything about what they do…she gave me the entire breadth of her experience in 10 minutes.  

I thrive on problems and excuses…you have to use that…what is the solution?…what do you want?…and I use these opportunities to come up with all kinds of solutions.  For every problem you give me, I’m coming up with 5…and I’m putting it in my toolbox…no, I got an Ace Hardware…if this is what you want, male it the most fantastical, pie in the sky, dreamy, everybody’s telling you no way you can do that, but you think you can do that cuz you see your vision….what if you inch your way back?…make a reverse business plan because it comes with a step ladder to your goals and dreams.  Just work your way back to practicality.  

I want it all.  Because I’ve put myself in a position..where I get to pick and choose.

I’ve combined that things I’ve very good at…even if you know it, go find people who know it so y’all can collaborate 

I’m doing the work…you gotta put in reps…I put in the rest doing This!  Everything serves everything else.  

You combine all these things you’re achieving mastery at and the combinations are endless.  

What if I can be the answer to your question?  That’s all you have to be.  The answer to people’s question in what you do.

You gotta be that ambulance for people that need you in a pinch.

Everything for me is a Trojan Horse and everything I put in that Trojan horse is for me to infiltrate everything.  

I only do it when I know I have enough to create curiosity and this is just the next phase of it.

Don’t chase that fame, don’t chase that stardom.  Spend less than you earn.  Pay yourself first.  Put the rest away.

I want to be in the Madalorian…give me 5 lines with The Rock.  Big movie.  I’ll do the rest.

A book and a microphone.

Type in my name DC Glenn, or Tag Team or Whoomp! There it is!  Because I know SEO and you will find me.


Audio : Ariza Music Productions


BTS of TV Production


I.T. to Reality Star