Why You Need a Personal Brand

Jay Jay

Ace Of Spades Agency

Jay Jay is an international speaker and has been exciting people with his message for the last 15 years in over 30 countries.

In 2009, he leveraged the social media platform YouTube to grow his brand to 57,000,000M views online in the entertainment industry.

Leaving his tricks behind he leveraged his mastery in PR and Personal Branding to start an advertising agency called 

Ace Of Spades which helps people grow their personal brand so they can become #1 in their space.



Audio: Ariza Music Productions

Transcription : Vision In Word

Marlana: Jay Jay is an international speaker and has been exciting people with his message for the last 15 years in over 30 countries. He's leveraged his mastery in PR and personal branding to start an agency called ace of spades, which helps people grow their personal brand so they can become number one in their space. Welcome, Jay.

Jay: Thank you. Welcome. Thank you. I'm excited Monday morning here in Miami. What a great way to stop the day, you know, some people, some energy, enthusiasm, some excitement, and some moves today, you know,

Marlana: love it. Well, you know, as a personal brand photographer, this topic is near and dear to my heart because I have my own ideas about why we have to create a personal brand. But tell me, why do you say that we need a personal brand?

Jay: Listen, people are buying your product, they're buying you. Period. Look at who you work with. Look, you know, I used to be a magician, right? That was my backstory for 15 years, I was a magician. And I worked with many photographers at weddings. I used to do magic shows at weddings. And for some relatability to like, I always would ask the photographer like why did they choose you? Right? There's a lot of photographers, how many photographers, you know, from the 18-year-old to the whole team, the big production team that comes in with the bells and whistles. And most of the time, it wasn't the best photo. It was they really connected with me. They liked me. They listened to me, and they trusted me. And isn't that crazy? You know, you don't need to be the best. You don't need to have the best landing page or the best website. But if people can know you, and then they can like you and trust you then like that they will choose you period.

Marlana:  And you know, I always tell people, if you are online in any way, shape, or form, you have a personal brand, either by design or by default. So, in my opinion, it should be by design. And what are your thoughts on that?

Jay: Yeah, you know, but I think the issue with that is a lot of people feel like that they don't have a message. And they don't have a story. Right? Well, I'm not like her, and I'm not like Jay. That's Jay, that's his personality, I don't want to be that person. And in in the space that I play running this agency specializing in personal branding, we find that so many people have this black and white evening Yang, like hot and cold way to look at a personal brand, right? Gone are the days where it was only for people like who were on television or gone are the days actors and celebrities or that one guy that's like selling rugs, rugs a million guys buy these rugs come on down, there's always that one guy in the city, it's like, oh, that's just as Jim, let Jim be Jim. Now, with the internet, now with how everyone is connected through this machine in front of me, this $1,500 iPhone. And now with what's going on in the world, people want to connect, people want to know, they have more options, and they want to get to know more people. So, it's like, this is the time where you can literally step into your superpower and go you know what, I have something to tell the world. You know what, and I deserve to have a part of it. And the money, the movement, and the people as well.

Marlana: So, what are some of the mistakes or missteps you see people make when they are developing their brand.

Jay: Titan, get your ego out of the way, right? Get your ego out of the way, whether you've been in the game for 30 or 40 years, right. We work with people in the financial services, we work a lot of people but a lot of people that have built that business or company and they're working on the business, right? And they have been this kind of personality or persona, they have to now reveal, they have to now open up a little bit more, they have to sort of take off their suit jacket or their power, what they've been doing for so many years and change it up a little bit. So, the big thing is you go allowing yourself; this is personal branding, it wasn't such a new concept, but it's been accepted to be new now. You know, you can't hide behind a business card and a toy in a 12-story building. Now people want to get to know, isn't it funny with the pandemic? Now everyone has to see each other on Zoom. Now you only do that with people that you love, someone you're dating, you're married, your husband, wife, kids. Now, if you don't get on a FaceTime with someone or Zoom, you can't say no anymore. You literally can't say no. You know? So, the hell, you got to sell yourself, you know? So yeah, it's coming back to your point, I would say ego would be the first part, and ego of having to allow people in or ego of having to let go. And then also coming back to fear of just like the unknown fear of what will people think of me? They're going to judge me. I'm going to get laughed out at. Yes, you will, right? Let's just deal with that, let's just bring up that emotion now. So, you can control it because it's going to happen. But from what I tell people all around the world that I've helped completely opposite, the mail, females, different sexes, different nationalities, different industries, the moment that someone puts themself out there and really stands into their superpowers, I call it magic happens. They never said to me, that was a bad move. They never said, I'm really annoyed. Now clients calling me and saying, I love that video that you put up this morning over coffee. They said, Oh my gosh! I should have done this 10 years ago; I wish someone gave me the confidence to do this earlier.

Marlana: So, what are some best tips that you would give to somebody who is trying to either develop their personal brand or home in on their personal brand? Or take it to the next level?

Jay: Yeah, you know, I would always say, do things that you can control right now. You know, I'm the kind of guy, I'm kind of speaker when I shift into people, I want them to leverage and implement today, not like you get really excited, and then nothing happens, right? So, here's some moves that you can do today. First thing you can do is you can show up on a video, right? You can press a button, take a breath, count to three and go live. What's the worst it's going to happen? Now, when I say that people are already feeling that fear of no one's gonna listen, there's only going to be three people on who cares. Like, you know, even for someone like me with the profile that I have, I still have a very small amount of people, right? And I still get scared, I still get worried of what are people gonna think, how people gonna think of me today, am I coming across too much. So, like, You got to get that fear away. But if you start with video, I told my clients doing Instagram Live or a Facebook live every day. You don't want that's amazing. Because one, it gets you out of your head, two. It gets you engaged in instant engagement, three, and it teaches you how to have consistency to put yourself out there. You don't need any editing. You don't need to worry about any kind of extra money or anything you have to set up. You have an internet connection, you can speak, and you have a face, you're good to go.

Marlana: And it's nice to because people start to then connect with you and see you, which is always a good thing.

Jay: People like to give some people listening, a little bit more of an advanced answer. These customers are getting smarter. Customers know they have multiple options. They know you're not the only one in the game, right? If they do, usually, you know, they're going to Google you or they Instagram you. They're going to like stalk you online, or find the person that, like they're going to talk to a friend and maybe go down the road, a coffee shop, just to get another opinion, I would do that, you would probably do that, you go to who you trust, right for whatever, you know, you're going to them because you trust their opinion. You ask them, Hey, I'm looking for a photographer, you do that. So, the faster you can connect with people, and the faster that people can see you as the expert, you know, to come back to the question before you're asking what people can do, I would always put up educational different content. Because if people can see you as the expert, then when they have that pain or problem, you're the solution in their mind, if you put up a video every day, let's say you're a coach, and you talk about why you need to coach, the power of having a coach, how like using different stories of having a coach to your point, your team. And that moment when someone's sitting down, it's like, Man, I'm really struggling with my business, or I need some help. Oh! That girl, that person was talking about coaching, I'm gonna go check her out. I'm immediately pain solution from doing that educational driven content. So, that can be a great move today.

Marlana: Now, most people that I work with personally, are not employees of a company, but just for a minute, why would they need a personal brand?

Jay: Look at the end of the day. Think about this. So, let's say you go for new job. These days, a resume isn't enough. These days companies, it's all about company culture. It's all about like what else you bring into the team. You know, think about it. I always tell people turn it on the person. The person hiring like if you were the hire, right? If you're the HR and you had 10 People that were all qualified in front of you, all good, all willing to take, you know, the 95 grand a year plus, right? So, you have to make a decision, but you can only choose one and there were 10 people, let's even make it better five people. Okay? All qualified, right? Maybe six, three men, three female, who'd you make the decision over? It's going to be something more than skills. It's going to be more on likability and connection, and trust. And let that needle, just let that sink in for a second. And it's like, so, it's like, okay, then people go, Okay, well, maybe the attractive person is going to win, that could help. But that's not going to be the deal. Right? Because everyone can fix themselves up, everyone can look, but say everyone will look the same. So, it's all about that personality. How are you connecting with that person? And that can be the decision maker between the change of your life or not getting the job?

Marlana: What about people that say, you know, I'm uncomfortable putting too much out there? What's the line between enough and too much?

Jay: So, there are two things that come up for people. And I'll answer this question first. The first one is I'm shy. And I'm an introvert. And you know what? I tell them. Who told you that? And they gave me exactly. So, let's firstly watch our language. Because like, if you say, you are this, this will happen. No one wants to speak to me. Of course, they don't want to speak to you, like watch the words come out of your mouth. But to the thing is, yeah, I don't want to share too much. Okay, cool. What else? Well, why? Well, I don't want to be seen as this. Okay, what does it look like to and usually, once again, they go to that place where they think you have to be half naked on the internet? Or you have to be that family that shows like, I don't want to share my family fighting, like, they think it's gonna be reality TV, and I understand that, or it's gonna be extreme. So, it's just like, I get that. But there's a finesse way about it. You don't need to share your deepest, darkest secrets. But you can put up a photo of yourself and have a story about how you struggled to find your first deal as a real estate. Or maybe when you're selling that bakery, that you've made a massive error, and you've got the wrong flower and make people sick, like, share that it's in the past, you would share that with me, if we're having a coffee together or a drink. Just share it with the world, because they will only be, wow, she's vulnerable, he's vulnerable. They're open, and that's going to give you… That's gonna lead them and bring them in.

Marlana: Yeah, you know, and I've said to people in the past, for me, I liken it to a rental property. So, if you go to a rental property, you know, you want your guests to sleep in the beds and be comfortable, use the pool, and you know, make themselves at home, but there's always an owner's closet, there's always something locked in the owner's closet. And so, all you want everybody to have enough of you where they are comfortable and feel at home. But there's always something in the owner's closet for you.

Jay: I always want to find out what's in that closet, Is it just me?

Marlana: no! Usually, I'm sure it's boost. But

Jay: I've always something like you can't have like, hang on a second. Yeah. Can we pay for this place? Yeah.

Marlana: But, what about the influence that you can gather? Okay, let me rephrase this. What about if you are a company owner? How important is it to separate your personal brand from your company brand?

Jay: Well, look, you know, the great question to the thing now is people want to get to know the owner. They want to get to know the man behind the product, period. More people now want to know what Jeff Bezos eats in a day. Then, Amazon sometimes, like when they searching, they're like, What does Jeff Bezos eat? Why do we care about what the owner of amazon.com eats in a day? Because there's this kind of psychology that like, I want to see what a very wealthy, powerful man, what, who, what he cares for what he stands for, what he's about? How does he look after his wife? is he for, you know, a certain kind of clothing? Or is he not for a certain point? Is he vegan? Is he me? Is the Trump, is the buyer, then, like we want that's very important, and that's PR. That's how you're relating yourself to the public. So, to the people listening, is it direct ROI? 100% in a branding is really not really ROI driven. It's long-term trust, but I always tell people to like, if you share now, those are those customers that will stay with you forever. Because they feel like that part of you, that part of your family. They know you; you know and people We'll make decisions based on that. They'll be like, You know what, like, yeah, I could get my house for three people, but I like the way she looks after our children. Like, you know, I care for that. I also had a mom like that, you know, her mom's crazy. My mom's Crazy, right? Give her the deal. You know what I mean? People will make decisions like that. Now, not everybody will very different kind of bias, right. But in my experience and opinion with the internet and where we're going and what's happening, I'm seeing a huge spike in long term trust and long-term community. And people just never needing to jump to different places because they like you. They love you.

Marlana: Based on that statement, do you think that the court ship process in doing business with any particular person or company, or anything has become longer because we are trying to develop that trust factor?

Jay: Yeah, I think the trust factors become harder. You know, I think you're correct. From my experience, people are now more guarded, so to say courtship, yes, if that's the way you'd like to, as we call it, to get the princess in the castle. There are way more many people you got to get this more ogres, you're going to get through, it used to be one ogre, maybe the father and the princess. Now there's a moat and sharks and finally goes the ex-boyfriend, then the father, then the princess. So, the trust factor is a lot. The sales cycle is a lot more, or I'm sorry, it's just a lot harder because people got it. They've been sold who've been front and center. And if they see one thing that like they'll turn, and it isn't just a review, it could be something that they've heard, or they see some reputation management is super important reputation, but you can fix up branding.

Marlana: So, let's talk about that for a second. They see something that they don't like. So now in some people's heads, that becomes the fear of oh my gosh! I have to be everything to everybody, tell us about that.

Jay: So that, yeah, everyone doesn't want everyone's duty. No one wants Bobby Kennedy more. So yes, I don't think you should just go out to market and be like, share it all straightaway. Like because you haven't built that trust yet. Right? And you know, this is what people have to remember. You don't want everybody to like you. But you still need to be likeable. You still need to have something, to have some form of likeability on and you don't just be like, you know, if you will, I don't care about anyone. I'm like, hang on a second. There's a fitness 30 Bobby and Ken, where you're a yes guy. Right. But because people love conviction, and people love people who, Hey, man, at least he stands up, he knows what he's, I like him because he owns who he is. And he's authentic. And he's been like this from day one. He's been like this from day 12. Day 50. Whether I like them or not, you respect someone that doesn't, that stays who they are. And we all know these people that you like, even meet someone you like, something's just off. That is enough to me that Right? that gut feeling right? And maybe you and I are more conscious to it. I'm extremely conscious to it. Because when I was travelling for 10 years, I was just a young boy by myself. All I had is my confidence in me and my feeling of blaming Asia, I don't speak the language, I better just listen to what I feel. And does this. Am I feeling this person? So that feeling of like, this feels off? You don't want to have that. So, in regard to that, what you asked like, how have you don't want to be Yes man. But also, there are people who believe in what you believe, what you feel like you believe right? So don't stay in the shadows though.

Marlana: Yeah, if you have a point of view, and if you are genuine about that point of view and what you're passionate about, I think you're always going to find your tribe. And those are the people I believe that you're honestly searching for, is that tribe, and it doesn't have to be everything to everybody. It just needs to be everything to that tribe.

Jay: Yeah, you know, this is something that I'm constantly learning to like, in the last year and a half or since how's it been? I don't even know how long the world's been much since March 2020. I've really stood into who I am as a man and what I really stand for, I'm careful. And it's funny because a lot of people I mean, I get a lot of people, you know, speaking. There are some leave and the really one stick in between From like March 2020, who's stuck, and I never have to change. And when I wake up in the morning, I don't put on this different facade. And it's so refreshing when I speak. And, you know, yeah, I get in security doors, Should I press that or whatever. But it feels nice. People keep watching me and all they work with me. And it's like, I just done me. You know, and when you are, so you, and that takes time to really step into that and find that people will even appreciate you more. Because like, so much of the world are not like that. No one wants to be tricked. The only people that should be tricking you are magicians, and you pay for that. Because you go to a magic show, I want to be tricked. Great! So, you know what you're gonna get before you walk into the room or the show. But no one wants to be tricked with someone they feel like they've connected with, you know? So, some of the relationships, you want to be tricked you want me, so send me with people.

Marlana: Let's say we are building a brand. And how much shift do we have in it? Let's say, we are, we're progressing. And now all of a sudden, instead of going straight down this road, we decide, you know, we want to kind of veer off a little bit into this road and continue in that way. Without making people feel like they just went in a whole different direction. How much latitude? Do we have to develop our brand? Without losing people.

Jay: No that's okay. So, what you mean is like, without doing too many things, you want to sort of you want to veer a little bit like me. You've asked this question from a story. So, tell me what's on your mind?

Marlana: Well, I'm not necessarily, but let's say that someone is, I don't know. They're a chocolate factory, I don't know. And they own this chocolate factory. And they've been doing this for all these years. And now they've decided that, instead of chocolate, they kind of want to go off into soda. How much leeway do we have in building a brand before we start to lose people? Or does that go into the trust of the tribe that we have built up until now that they will come with us if the if our messages consistent? And things like that?

Jay: Yes. So, there are two ways to answer this. I'm going to answer this first way, let's say you haven't built a brand, right? Messaging is really important. Right? I do this without agency. And on the first one, like the worst case for this every, as much as they can, I'm trying to dial in. If someone says something to me, and I like, Oh, you do this, and it's not what I want. I'm like, Why are they saying that? I don't take it personally. I'm like, why do they see me as this person, because they're thinking that other people are thinking that you know, so I'm big on trying to at least clear your messaging up. So, when people least Google you, even if you do the Chocolate Factory, you want to start the soda business as well add that, or let's just say completely change, I will at least make it super clear when they come and see it. And you can say, and here's my backstory. Now that's option one, option two, which is the better option, you build the brand. When you build the brand, and they listen to you, you can take them anywhere you want to take them like and I'm first person on this and I was a magician. Then I worked on MTV, then I was a speaker now I run an agency. Now it's all people driven. I'm in front of the camera, okay. But I could start a coffee shop tomorrow, which would probably mean more successful rather than starting an agency. But at the end of the day, the point of the story is because people know me, and I've shown that they can trust me from all these places. Okay, I'll give them a chance. You know, he hasn't let me down yet now. So, if this is why the brand building, good building that community is important. So, because you can say everyone you know what done this chocolate shop for 10 years. I'm going to start doing soda. What kind of soda would you like? Now he's an event stick, now you bring people part of the process. Oh my gosh, when you bring out that Sodor if someone feels like they were part of the ingredients you know, just to share one quick story this one girl did this online. She was a beauty influencer, very clever. And she was reselling peoples like makeup boxes, girls could buy makeup boxes. So, she went, you know what? I could do my own. I know that suppliers. She said instead of me doing it. I'm going to bring people on this journey. So, I'm going to take them to China. Take them part of the process everyone gave in their comments right now whether she chose them or not. Doesn't matter. Right. So, you know, but she took their feedback. She made her own box, sure her boxes fluid like multi millions of dollars. Because she brought people on that journey. People felt like that part of the story. So maybe you guys can take that today, something you could start on a small level. Hey, everyone, I'm thinking of doing a brand new, you know, doing a brand-new photo album, this one's going to be special for my audience. Let's choose a color by votes. Okay! Great! And for all the 50 people that did it, I'm going to sign it for you, right? And guess what's $100? You just sell them out like that? Oh, my gosh! I chose that I want that equal.

Marlana: So, in that whole thing, I've heard two things. Number one, when we pull back the curtain, a bit that helps to develop trust, and also to the importance of building a personal brand aside from your business brand, because like you hinted on, we are able to then take that influence with us into the next thing, because we have the personal brand, aside from the business brand.

Jay: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Looking Arnold Schwarzenegger, he will say free like he posts. He's perfect, high end personal brand. Industry change trust. Gym, to politic, like, how do you even… You know, yeah, movies, that gym movie star politics.

Marlana: So, if people don't get anything else out of this today, what do you want them to walk away with about why we need to build a personal brand?

Jay: Listen! Here's the move, right? You have a story? Right? People want to hear from you. Whether you're from India or Indianapolis, if 55 or 50. Right? You may feel like you know what, like, 2022 I want to do something great. And you should, uh, no one stopping you. The power of not just being in America, but the power of the internet, you can literally, there's no roots. So maybe you're a ship, maybe you're, you know, you're really good cook on the inside, your husband loves your food, and your friends go you should start a restaurant, do it. Like maybe if you want to bring in another, you know, 50 grand a year, or maybe just two grand a month, because you want to buy that car, do it. And the way to do that, without having to spend getting a loan out, without having to get a business coach, without having to hire me, is start by building up through social because everyone has more than one friend on social platforms.

Marlana: And for those people who want to step into something bigger, tell us a little bit about your programs and how they can work with you.

Jay: Yeah, so look about seven minutes resonated with everyone. I feel like you know what, this is Australian accent Dispo. If anyone's curious. This is Sterling.

Marlana: I really just want to keep you talking. 

Jay: That's right. Listen, it's fine. I had some lady wants to pay me she's like, listen, I just pay you for your accent. I said, I'll talk all day. If you keep paying the bills. It's fine. I'll just put you probably on I'll probably like under what do you call it? Like, auto play? yeah. So, look! You know, if I've said anything that's resonated with you, if you feel like you know what, I need a plan of attack for 2022 If I really want to maybe get featured in the press, because you know, we do everything from get people into the press, we help you do a social media plan. If you wanna get verified, we do that. Or if you go, Hey, I really want a team behind me. So, I can focus on what I do best. And I just want to know when I post, everything looks amazing. We can help you. So, you're gotta have cash, you gotta spend money, right? Don't expect to come and do it. You know, whole foods don't take high fives and fist bumps and cents. They take dollars. Right? So, are we, right? So, you know, you gotta be committed, you gotta be coachable. And you've gotta have the cash if you're serious, you know, aceofspadesagency.com.

Marlana: Love it, And with that, I just have four final questions for you. First one, what's the best piece of advice you're ever given?

Jay: The person who can take you to the next level is only yourself. Belief in, you will radiate.

Marlana: Share with us one thing on your bucket list.

Jay: I definitely want to go to Barcelona. I don't know why but I also want to swim with the sharks. 

Marlana: Okay, when the toy companies finally get around to making an action figure of view what to accessories will it come with?

Jay: It's a great question. It's going to come with hair products. And it's going to come with a massive like extra high fives, I like holding a high five second high five people.

Marlana: So, and last one. How do people find you again?

Jay: Yes, if they want to go on Instagram @jayjaylive J A y J A Y L I V E or aceofspadesagency.com and, you know, send me a DM and, you know, say that you saw me on this podcast, and it could be good for me to know.

Marlana. Thank you so very much for being here.

Jay: thank you.


How To Master Your Personal Brand


Breaking Orbit