When Women Rock

The World Changes

May 6-9, 2022 in Los Angeles, CA…

…I chronicled an incredible group of female musicians coming together for the first ever women’s only Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp.

They Rocked…but they did so much more.

They collaborated, celebrate, encouraged, and created. They owned the stage while making room for others to join them. I watched lives change. I watched worlds change. And I was reminded that the power of women supporting women is immeasurable.

While this is by no means all of the images from the event, this sampling shows what happened at this Camp. The energy, the emotion, the air. Believe me when I say, it was a one-of-a-kind experience to be immersed in this sea of creatives all in love with what they do…and this is only the beginning of this story.

Welcome to Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy Camp (Women’s Only Edition!) Chapter One…

When women support each other, incredible things happen.

You can always tell who the strong women are.

They are the ones you see building one another up.

Individually, we are one drop.

Together, we are an ocean.

Once you develop your voice, don’t be silent.

Grab life by the lapels.

Take. Up. Space.


You are more powerful than you know.

‘It’s just my goal to make other girls feel as strong as I feel when I’m on that stage.’ - Hayley Williams

To all the girls…never doubt that you are valuable and powerful beyond measure. You are deserving of every chance and opportunity to pursue and achieve your dreams. And once you’ve found your mic…don’t waste it because you never know the kind of impact you might have on someone else’s life.

— Rock On.

I believe everyone deserves to be seen

in a unique way

for the best of who they are.