Courageous Visibility

Meredith Liepelt 

Rising Star Publicity

Since 2007, Meredith Liepelt, CEO of Rising Star Publicity, has guided experts to become recognized authorities in the media, online, and in person. When clients master the strategies she teaches, they make a name for themselves in their industries by securing media spots, speaking engagements, and through other opportunities to showcase their expertise in front of potential clients and influencers, so they can make more money. 

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Courage plays a really big part.  When we as personal brands are putting ourselves out there, it is very vulnerable.  There’s risk to that.  We’re showing up…who likes me?..And somebody will.

You have to be yourself as you go out there because when you try to be somebody else, that just doesn’t work.  Being secure in who you are and knowing who you are so that you can put yourself out there in a real genuine way, that’s how you will resonate with your people.

Become clear on ‘what are your intentions?’  Everything with marketing starts with Who do you want to help?  What are their issues? What are they struggling with? And then you criss-cross that with Who are you? How can you help them? What’s my message?…Then How do I want to show up?

All these things tell a story about who you are and being courageous in staking your claim and saying ‘This is who I am.  This is what I believe…This is my message and This is who I can help. Are you ready?’

Show up the same on every platform.  Show up the same in person as you do online.

Make sure that you’re being real in everything…Don’t ever strive to be perfect….And help people in the way that you are uniquely positioned to help.

The truth is, you have to look at your own innate strengths.  What do you naturally gravitate toward?…Maybe that’s something that you need to pursue.  

Writing can take all kinds of forms…How do you want to show up in writing?  What’s natural to you?

If you’re a talker?  How can that show up?…And how are you going to do it in your way?

I’m being courageous….trying something new…and working on it.

You can stay in your comfort zone.  And there are times to stay in our comfort zone and there are times to go out into our courage zone.  When we are on a growth path and we know it’s time to up-level…growth is not comfortable…you stretch…and you operate in your courage zone.  And you learn..along the way.

We don’t try for perfection.  We just try for better than yesterday.

Some people really want to go on television because that is a fast way to become known as an expert.

Being quoted in articles in your industry…

Certainly media helps with that third party credibility….It’s there for you forever.

TV…is available from the get-go….if you are truly an expert and you have some value to bring to the audience…they do want to see on camera…do a video of you talking…they want see your energy…then…how can you bring value….what can you demonstrate…what kind of actionable tips can you bring…

Start local!….Ellen or Steve Harvey are not your first steps…

Your path to going on national television, is to go on local television….because media begets media….here’s my sizzle reel….

A media kit…you can just have this on your website…it’s important to be ready for media…your, headshot, lifestyle photos, sample interview questions, video..when they see you’re ready, they are going to remember you.  Most people are not ready.

The headshot has to look like you.  And lifestyle photos?  Make sure that they reflect who you are currently.  Same with videos.   As you morph and change, go in and update.  Stay current.

Television right now looks a lot like what we are doing right now….people are in their homes…you can go on television from the comfort of your own home.  I think that will stick around for a while.  

You can put your branding around you.  You can show people where you are and where you work and there’s something intimate about that and there’s opportunities there for your personal brand to be showcased on television.

The fact that we can be our own media channels…

There’s the media you go out there and earn…and there’s the media you own…

Getting the media coverage is step one…leveraging it is where the juice comes in…start before you even get it…post…put links on your site…ask friends and colleagues to share…update your bio….update your sizzle reel…I have a whole article on how to leverage your publicity.

A trailblazer is someone who has a path to pave.  They have a vision.  They know what they’re in business for….my esthetician with a dream….this unleveling idea and the idea that ‘I’m going to make it happen…’

When the bumps come, you can get back to your foundation of Why is this important to me? What is my vision? What is my path? …and you can keep going.

There’s not a lot out there that’s brand new.  So, how do you want to show up?  What are you working toward? What’s your vision?

Think expansively and inclusively.

The Visibility Collaborative.  Facebook group.

Be kind.

Go to a fancy-schmancy wellness spa

A musical playbill and my family

Audio : Ariza Music Productions


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