How To Become Sought After

Nicky Billou -- eCircle Academy

Nicky Billou aka the Millionaire Maker, has a proven method that has helped dozens of people add 6 -to- 8 figures a year to their annual income. He is the #1 International Best Selling Author of the book: Finish Line ThinkingTM: How to Think and Win Like a Champion, and The Thought Leader’s Journey: A Fable of Life. He is an in-demand and highly inspirational speaker to corporate audiences such as RBC, Lululemon, Royal LePage,  and TorStar Media. He is an advisor and confidante to some of the most successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in Canada. He is the founder of eCircle Academy ( where he runs a yearlong Mastermind & Educational program working with Coaches, Consultants, Corporate Trainers, Clinic Owners, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and other service-based Entrepreneurs, positioning them as authorities in their niche, and helping them add $250,000 -- $2.5 million to their annual income. He is the creator of the Thought Leader/Heart LeaderTM Designation.

As the host of the #1 podcast in the world on Thought Leadership, The Thought Leader Revolution ( Nicky has interviewed over 270 of the world’s top Thought Leaders, such as:

• Astronaut Chris Hadfield

• George Ross of the Hit TV Series The Apprentice

• Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank

• Supermodel & Business Mogul Kathy Ireland

• Ivan Misner — Founder Of BNI

• Graham Weihmiller — CEO of BNI

• John Maxwell — World’s #1 Leadership Author

• NYT #1 Bestselling Author Seth Godin

• Marie Forleo — Oprah’s Coach

• Jack Canfield: Author Of Chicken Soup For The Soul

• Scott Adams: Creator of Dilbert

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The link between our income and being sought after is very real and immediate….It allows you to take your income from a level that you barely scrape by to a level that you have more money than you know what to do with.

Step 1 is you’ve got to commit.  

Amateur vs. Pro.  Most people play at business…you have a friend…an amateur…who does it in his spare time, has a regular job and if the regular job interferes, he’s not going to show up..if he gets sick, he’s not going to show up…you can’t count on him.  The pro…he’s studied…he has built thousands…he shows up no matter what…this is a fellow who always completes the job.  If you had a choice on which one to hire…would you choose the amateur or would you choose the pro?

If you want to be in business, if you want to be a tough leader, if you want to be sought after? You’ve got to make the decision to go pro.

You’re in it to win it.  You’re here to learn the craft, how to deliver a result repeatably, count-on-ably, for everybody that can use the type of help that you are all about delivering.

People will see that you have a reputation for being that gal…who every time.  Every time!  Delivers the result no matter what.

You’ve gotta be the one holding yourself to that standard.

Amateurs don’t hold themselves to any kind of standard.  Professionals hold themselves to the highest…standards.

You know when someone is the kind of person who always keeps their word….You’re going to be drawn to them.

75 Hard….if you mess up even once, you go back to day one.  The level of mental toughness that gets developed by sticking to this is what turns you into a bit of a pro when it comes to keeping your word.

The next step is you have to get clear on what it is you’re going pro for.  What is your expertise?  A lot of people think ‘my expertise is what I’ve been doing’ but, it really isn’t….there’s a process we take people through…if you start to understand what you’re expertise is truly about, you can create for yourself areas of authority….you can create a whole body of intellectual property for yourself.

I’m in the business of personal branding/coaching.  But one of the things that has gotten me here is this obsession with winning…So this is a whole folder of intellectual property that I’ve created around winning.

This is the basis of a commercial PhD.  It was created by Matt Church.  I’ve created 53 of these….this is how intellectual property really helps you in becoming sought after.

It starts off with a statement….then we go into explaining it deeper…step 3 is the stories, the case studies…Teresa Dudwell…Robyn Sharma…Mark McCoy…Donovan Bailey…Mark Ferris…Then the literature review…Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth…Malcolm Gladwell…Dr Andres Erickson…Finish Line Thinking.

After that…focus, action, consistency.  Where the three intersect is what I call the Winning Zone.

Then there’s a metaphor.  How a champion thinks is like how the best operating system runs a computer.  Both are designed to generate top notch performance.  

Finally we’ve got..variations of that original statement.  The formal palette…a casual palette…a simple palette…inspiring palette…pragmatic palette…wise palette

Why is this valuable?  I can create a talk on the subject of winning for anybody out of what’s in here.  I can develop a weekend retreat…I can create a 16 week program…a year long mastermind.  I think once and I’m able to sell and deliver often.

This is steak.  There’s no sizzle.  This is real.  You can sink your teeth into this….unlike so many…who are great sizzle sellers.  There’s no substance behind anything they teach you….What did you really deliver to them?  Anything that really is going to make a difference for them? Or did you just make money because you’re good at selling the sizzle?  I don’t sell people sizzle.  I sell people the steak.

57% of the people we work with met anywhere from $120K…to $8.1M as a result of this methodology.

What’s made that possible is they’ve all learned how to be sought after….in a way where there’s authenticity, substance, reality behind it.

The next step is you’ve gotta go sell it.  You’ve got to get in front of real human beings who have the kind of problems that you’re excited and passionate about solving and then offer it to them.

We blend some of the things from Matt Church…and Mark VonMuser…I’m here to serve a certain kind of person, so let me have a conversation with them…let me understand their main problems.

In every area, people have 3 groups of main problems…1…they don’t have enough clients…2…they’re probably working bloody hard just burning out…3…they’re not really being seen as the go-to choice in their space.

Do I really have what it takes?  Am I really good enough? Am I the right person?  Or am I just one of these imposters?

The real problem is you’re trying to figure it out all by their lonesome.

Matt Church….belt ladder model.

Don’t get all your clients from one place.  There are actually 6 ways that you can leverage your expertise….the Mode Model…authoring…mentoring…coaching…speaker…trainer…facilitator…

Once you’ve gotten the right people to say ‘yes’…then you’ve got to deliver.

You job as a thought leader is you’ve got to do the thinking, you’ve got to do the selling, and then you’ve got to do the delivering.  

The Thought Leader’s Journey….it has a blueprint for someone starting.

Niche.  Be yourself.  Don’t try to be a second rate version of somebody else.  

Here’s what’s great about being a guest on other people’s podcasts…they have built a bit of a following…you are instantly conferred on that level of trust…the audience is open to receive…

you get to have a conversation with them…offer a give away…that’s how relationships start…that’s how business gets done.

Jump on a call with me….free….I will help you put a blueprint together on what you can do to get started…and I’ll give you my best tips in more detail to your specific situation.

Don’t quit.

I want to go to Japan. 

A knife and a book.

Audio : Ariza Music Productions


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