Disrupt Your Industry

Being an entrepreneur is a tough business and not for the weak at heart, even when it gets the attention of the FBI.

Jeremy Delk is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for disrupting industries. Since 2001, his businesses have earned hundreds of millions in revenue, created 100’s of high paying American jobs, as well as other notable distinctions:

●  Inc 500 - 21st Fastest Growing Company

●  Inc 500 - 4th Fastest Growing Company in Health

He jumped into entrepreneurial ventures with the naivety of a child and the tenacity of a tycoon. He started day trading at the age of sixteen, learning and failing with each trade. It is this process of adapting through failures that is paramount to his success in business.

His knowledge and skill as a day trader helped him land a job as one of the youngest brokers at Fidelity trading institutional equities in Boston, and later in New York. It didn’t fulfill the entrepreneurial spark within him, so he decided to go out on his own creating Delk Enterprises. More than 20 years later, Delk Enterprises has holdings in biotech & healthcare, consumer brands, technology, building materials, and real estate development.

Jeremy now focuses on investing in and advising entrepreneurs through speaking. His upcoming book shares his reality of the Good, Bad, and UGLY of entrepreneurship. It serves as a not-so-subtle reminder of fundamental principles he’s learned through his journey: while great times don’t last forever, neither do the truly bad ones.




Audio : Ariza Music Productions

Transcription : Vision In Word


Being an entrepreneur is a tough business and not for the week at heart. Jeremy Delk is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for disrupting industries. Since 2001, his businesses have earned hundreds of millions in revenue created hundreds of high paying American jobs, as well as other notable distinctions. Welcome Jeremy.


Thanks for having me.


So, talk to me about disrupting our industry. What does that term mean to you?


Well, I think I don't know that I set out to be a disruptor. I think it just kind of happened by my approach. And I think my approach is one of just really trying to keep it to the basics and what I've learned in my, not so short 20 plus year career now is that overarchingly businesses, businesses, business, and people do business with people. So many times, I see entrepreneurs go through and they're trying to well that, that doesn't work in this industry, or it's not done that way. And what I've typically done is taken from step to step to step, whether it's wall street to building materials, to really whatever industry I've been in healthcare, I've taken a simple approach of, okay, what's our good product or service. Who's our avatar, who's our customer, and how do we make a great experience for that customer?

If you center those pieces in there oftentimes you do things differently. Now, it always doesn't work. You just mentioned a couple like accolades of mine. There's probably a laundry list that would take up the host show of failures that I've had, but when it works, it's pretty special. But you do it outside looking in as you're this crazy disruptor, which you're really not. You're just doing things in a more simplified approach, serving the customer first, not industry. So, it's very industry agnostic.


Because people always throw out, you know, creating a great customer experience or creating a different customer experience or creating a high-level customer experience. Talk to me about the things that go into your customer experience.


Well, for me I guess it starts even further back with what the businesses are. I'm a serial entrepreneur, because I probably got some mental issues where I just don't like stability. I want to go through crash the challenge and then once it's actually working and I've built a company to like, wow, it's profitable and making revenue. And then it's just about scaling and improving processes. I'm a pretty good process guy, but once it's just, you know, take it and run with it, I really lose interest. So, for me it's always that, well, what's the next thing? I'm a manufacturer. Well, what's past manufacturer being an OEM private label, whatever it tap, you know, tends to be it's the first piece? What is there really something that's unique or a value proposition that's doing something differently that makes me interested.

It has to be fun for me and it's gotta be an ability for me to learn something. I think that once I triggered in on that, let's say, let's say it's healthcare, I didn't get into finding all these healthcare companies and telemedicine diagnostics as a vision board. I did it by a small step, made an investment in a pharmacy business. And then that opened me up to a world with which I wasn’t familiar. And then it got me really excited and then really frustrated, well, why this is so great. Like I had my own healthcare journal journey personally. And I was like, wow, this is great. And then that shifted to why doesn't everyone know about this. So now it became more of a passion or a mission of like, Hey, what's wrong? Where is the disconnect?

I can take the whole podcast up on going through that. But from the that's the obsession, it's the customer obsession of like, Hey, what I have everyone actually needs. There's not a trick or stick to it. They actually need this. And if they don't get my good service or product, I'm doing them a disservice. So, if you have that passion or obsession, then what you do is really drive into the customer or the end customer. Like what is it, what are the barriers or the components that are keeping them from experiencing or taking that product on. So, it's really just putting yourself in the customer's piece. Of understanding where they are. They watch the news, or they filter about the economy and election, like, where are they understanding their pain points and trying to deliver on, and that's all a guess.

I think you don't know that it's all theory and you just try and start the, the trick in what makes it really impactful in where you get customers really to become raving fans is you actually talk to them just crazy or you then besides talking to them, the next level of that is actually me listening to them and taking it valuable. Like, Hey, that makes sense. Let me try and improve that process for you. People forget that. So many times, people forget, you know, there's a customer giving you a credit card or money across the counter. That's not a transaction, it's a relationship. Right. And you have to treat it like such, otherwise your transactions will be fewer and fewer and less reoccurring. If you treat it as a relationship and understand like, Hey, how was that?

But they bought your product. Good. How so many people don't follow up and say, how was your experience? They do all of this. I know I can go to; I've got a digital media company as well. So, retargeting and pickling, and going through this elaborate success and, you know, attrition and these complete funnels in relationships to go through and get a customer. And then once they get me, they'll put on a nurture campaign that follows up with every three. The hard part's getting someone in your sandbox, and if you really look at that, as that's a challenge, don't get me wrong. Especially with advertising things moving, but getting someone is one piece, keeping them is so much easier, but people forget about it.


And I've heard that along the way from several people that it is cheaper. So to speak, to keep the customers that you have and, and market to those people then to try and go out and get others because those people are already invested with you, whether it be literally invested or mentally invested or whatever.


That's right. And then also, oftentimes, you know, let's say you're selling Popsicle stick, whatever widget you're selling. Sometimes they don't need another Popsicle stick, but that if you do what I said first, and actually let's have a conversation with our customer, how did it work? Did you like the Popsicle stick? Was it great to taste? Like, what was it? And then that's the utility. Maybe you wanna make Popsicle houses with your kids. Well, now you need more. So, listening to them, getting that feedback can often time lead to new products or products spinoffs, or additional things that you could repackage and service. Then you are now going deeper in the wallet share as opposed to wider. So, then that's an easy way to help grow and scale your businesses,


You know, and that's another interesting point that you bring up because I've always had the thought that, and I learned this along the way from people that I've spoken to as an entrepreneur, especially if you are just starting out, you don't have to go wide in relationships when you can go deep in a few, because as you go deep in those few, that will help you. And those people will become your allies and your advocates.


Exactly.! I think that's where the learning makes a ton of difference. And, you know, I've got a book coming out end this year called Without A Plan. And it's very much a memoir of how I've went through life, and it's not live pops and gum drops just, I'm gonna be super successful. It's not that obtuse where you have zero plan, but it's not far from it. It's just taking a step. Hey, I want to go. And we're just gonna really belabor Popsicle, say, I wanna be the best Popsicle business guy ever. So, let's not go through and think about all the different ways because it's not gonna work anyway. Let's just go through and start, get going, have a vision of kind of where I want to go, but not get so inundated with this paralysis by analysis. So, you never begin. And then once you start, then that's like your beta users and your early adopters where you can go through like, Hey, how's that going? What's going through, you learn so much that piece where you really refine it before you go wide.


So, do you see holes in different industries and lean in? Do you start with things that interest you and see how you can adapt it? How do you start in your process when you're going to be investing in something or changing something?


And just be super open? I think it's my career. So, this is, and then you can tell me if you planned for this. My career started day trading. When I was 19, making a bunch of money, losing a bunch of money wall street to my own venture capital from 20 years ago, building materials, building manufacturing, windows, and doors, animal health, regenerative medicine, human health, pharmaceutical, epigenetic diagnostics, and telemedicine, plus a little digital media and equine in a couple other businesses in there. There's no way you have like, that's the typical roadmap. What's happened is relationships or, Hey, I've had a relationship here with this individual and this opportunity came up. I just say yes to a lot of things, mainly because I've got again, probably back to mental and like a lot of little attention deficit components where I just always wanna see more, but really it comes down to learning like that's interesting.

I don't know. Cause no one knows like how do you know if it's gonna work? So many people live in like, well you wanna go into, you know, Elon Musk wants to go into, you know, make reusable rockets. That's dumb. That will never happen. And maybe someone had the idea before, but he's said, well, let's just run it this stream and just see what actually happens with it. So, so many times, if you can just be open to an opportunity and see them, and then the other part of that is failure. Right. You know, it, I, I think there's a huge component of a mindset around failure. That's probably started even in school when you're young, that that's a bad thing. I'm not trying to keep plugging here, but it’s without a plan and it's a memoir of Unbound action and failing my way to success.

I talk about all of the accolades D 500, all that crap, that everyone has their own CV and resume. Dude. That's not really important. What's important is how I fell on my and how I did all these other things to actually get there. Those are the lessons that I've learned. I'm a better entrepreneur now than was 20 years ago. Not because I read some cool book it's because I got my S kit a ton and I learned from that. So, embracing that failure and just going through is something I'm overly passionate about and I try to fail fast. I try to break it. So, if so, I think that's an important piece because you, you can't no one has enough time to say yes to everything indefinitely. So, if we're going back to popsicles, let's do it.

Hey Joel, let's go through and figure out the Popsicle business, but let's define success or failure right now. It will be, we're gonna sell a billion popsicles in six months or we're not it's binary because after that, when that six-month process, you start to get emotional about it right after you're in it. And now it's your baby and maybe your Popsicle baby's ugly. It's hard to do that when you're in the moment. But if you predetermined, Hey, at this point I'm calling time of death, or we're going to the next level, that's the best way to do it. So, I try to get that. I try never wait, six months, I try to break something and ruin it in two months because get great customer feedback, come up with a prototype, go through, sell it, give it away, whatever you think, get it. And then the market will speak. Could be the best idea ever market may not be ready, or it could be overpriced or underpriced. So, it's the best way to just get information and then store that because down the track, maybe it wasn't right then, but five years it could be.


So do you tend to say yes to everything, then do the research or do you kind of research it and then say yes?


In tandem or in parallel? I tend just to say yes, because I wanna learn. There's no way to have an informed opinion unless you know the industry. If I know the business, I know that this is a Bolton. So, I'm in healthcare. I'm wearing my healthcare hat. If I know the space and I know the economics, like that's easier for me to Do because I know like, yeah, if I take that, eliminate something, plug it into my group it'll just make money. So those are easier. But I'm looking at software deal right now in university. I don't know anything about, I know about SAS businesses. I know they're valued really well, but I don't know anything about it. So, I think my pitch to the entrepreneur was like, I think I can make it work.

I think I can get you the money. It's coming from me. So that's, I think as long as I believe it, I can give you the money. I think my other bolt on shared services can actually help and I've got a little bit of experience in business. So, it's a yes with those contingencies, like, Hey, I need to figure out, I need to check your balance sheet. I need to look what's your cash flow statements. Look like, I need to understand the stickiness to their customer. So would a yes, but it's not an immediate yeah, here you go. And then find out. So, it's that component cause otherwise, what are you doing? You're not just, you have to be somewhat interested and there's things that I'm not interested in. There's some businesses that just don't excite me. Or I don't think I can add value. So, I just politely say, Hey, maybe I can, maybe I'm not investor in that business. Maybe I'm a business coach or I'm an advisor or I'm a different role that can help. And if that's beneficial for both parties, I look at that too,


You touched on failure, and I think that's something that so many people shy away from and it's so critical to be able to fail, because people often don't see the journey. They only see the end result, and so, they don't realize how many times that successful person has failed to get to that point. During the whole failure process, at what point do you cut your losses? Let's say somebody is just starting off in a certain industry, at what point is enough?


Well, I think that's their own risk tolerance and that's your own goal. It, it, to be indifferent. So, when I had my digital media, we were doing, you know, physical products, some in supplements, other goods and services, but it was actual physical product, not a digital product. I would put $25,000 into it. $25,000 was basically $5,000 for initial batch, you know, enough for like a thousand or something samples for units. And then it was $20,000 as fast as I could spend it on ads which typically took with the ramp. Cause you can't just, you can waste lot money, you just trying to overspend. So, we would do that as short as 45 days, as long as three months. And then we had a metric, we said that, Hey, if we could get our row as, or return on ad spend at this level, then it was worth going to the next traunch.

Not like, all right, quit your jobs, everybody. We're all in this thing. It was like, okay, it's now past that next level. So, I think that's what some people are. If you got a decently paying, high paying, remote job right now. And you've always wanted to build again like popsicles for started Popsicle combination, apparently so <laugh>, you probably shouldn't quit your job and start selling pop. You probably shouldn't do that. Unless you just need a lot of motivation because that will give you motivation. But it's setting that first step or goal.


So how did you disrupt your industries? What are some of the things that you're most proud of that you done to do that?


I think two parts. I think the biggest component for me was what I hopefully try to touch on impact wise in healthcare. We had investment in a pharmacy business that was really, really successful at E 500 company. And then we hit some regulatory challenges, cost me a ton of money and it's a whole other podcast, whole other story. But what came out of that was an understanding of the health, some of the problems in healthcare. And then you got this three P system, a payer, provider and a patient and insurance-based models, predominantly the decision makers are the payer and the provider, right? So, the insurance payer and then what the provider's able to actually do. So, the patient's secondary, which it should be the other way around the patient, should be really the advocate.

Then the provider payer could be, could be secondary. So, what we saw, we were doing a lot of integrative health or WellCare. And if you had a celebrity or influential person, you would know name any, they were probably a patient of ours. And they had these concierge doctors that were in Beverly Hills, and New York, LA, and they were paying five, $10,000 a month for healthcare. And we came to know a lot of these physicians who did great work and are very, very good at whether you do and offer good value. And that's why I kind of started off saying now I was really excited about that, but then I became frustrated. I live in Lexington, Kentucky. Like I actually had some resources, but I hadn't heard of this. So, what became a mission for me is being able to make this affordable to the masses.

And we did that. I've sold the company since, but you can get great healthcare from world class Doctors would charge probably $2,000 an hour for around three, 400 bucks a month. Which again, I'm not saying is cheap, but what's the cost of sickness, right? What's if you could be optimized, <inaudible> going through for a few grand here. I mean, I think the average family of four spends like $15,000 a year, $20,000 a year in health insurance and copays. And for what? Like what do you actually get from that?


So, let's say you are going, you wanna change an industry, like healthcare and you come up to people that frankly they're making money this way and they don't wanna see it change. How do you circumvent that or get the right allies to help you change their mind?


For sure. I think that you have to be realistic in what you can do. I don't think I had an expectation of completely changing the healthcare system. It's gonna take a lot more than some little kid from Lexington, Kentucky, or Barcha Kentucky emerging from. But what I think I've maybe been able to do is at least be part of a very small part of starting a conversation and educating and that's it education, right? I think people are empowered. With the internet and where we are with the information, age and access to information, and the way in which we learn. It allows a consumer to be more demanding or more astute. My mom, I always pick on her. She goes to the doctor, and she's healthy.

I'm very blessed, but she goes, the doctor, oh, I had this thing, and the doctor gave me a shot, like a shot of what? No, just a shot. Like no there's no advocacy. Like, because he's, or she is a doctor, it must be okay. And going back to the three pieces, well it's because this are the symptoms, you put it in a web MD pro on your iPad. And again, I can go on a Tyra, but someone on an algorithm based on insurance and reimbursements and opinion was like, this should work as opposed to saying, Hey, what's actually wrong. Let me understand. You can look at this N of one, the approach I'm describing is far more cumbersome. It's far more in depth. It requires more diagnostics, more in labs. So again, I think you have to be realistic in what your expectations are.

And I didn't go into it saying I'm gonna change healthcare. I think that I will be a small voice. And you know, some of the things that I've started and then have sold still exist. I think that's my book spring. And that, if I was just some crazy guy, some crazy ideas, then after I got out of them, they wouldn't be around anymore, but they are. And, and most of my businesses that I've sold still survived me. And I think that's good. I think that I'm good enough to, you know, in my business and my consulting stuff that I do. I always say, you know, don't call me if your business is going well, like I cannot help you if you're against the wall, business is burning down.

I love that. That's what kinda gets me excited. And I kind of go through that's where I'm really good, but once I've kind of hit that next level of that plateau and I'm like out, I'm not, I'm better at building and creating and taking that zero to one to still Peter Teal's, you know, that approach of just the creation innovation idea, and then making it something tangible and real, then passing it on to the adults to take it from there.


Love it. So, let's go back to failure for a minute because in there too, if these people have failed up to now, like you said, the business is burning down around their ears, how do we adapt through failures?


Well, I think it's a big set and I think mindset's, you know, over generalized. So, I look at events, and I don't believe, even mostly in personal life. I think there's some differences that would be nuance for one personal life, but a hundred percent in business, I'm a firm believer that nothing good or bad happens to you or your business period. They're merely events, there are Morely things that happen. It's, it's the emotions and the reactions that we apply to those events that often determine whether they were good or bad. So, to go a little bit deeper there, I mean, some of my staff like see me and like, well, we just got served with a lawsuit or we just had, you know, a patent <inaudible> or we have a cashflow crunch.

My approach has always been a bit more lace affair. Like I don't get emotional reaction. It's taken time to do that, because I've seen enough things just work itself through but think about it. Think about it in your business, personal branding, imaging, think about your business. I guarantee you, there is a time where you spoke to your partner, someone in family, someone that you're close to and said, it's all over. I guarantee that's happened. And if it hasn't happened to you, it's coming . Everyone has a plan until they get P chest. The guy that was sitting behind Tyson a few weeks ago, it's gonna happen. But most people, especially entrepreneurs have seen that. And if you think back to it, you're still here.

So, it's that component where you have to just be above the emotion and be like, all right, it sucks going through. But it's that choice of whether you let those events define you or you define them. I talk a lot about that in the book, that I wouldn't have been one of the youngest traders at fidelity. If I didn't blow up a 2 million portfolio in three days, you can hear about the cool day trading, how I built this big thing. That's cool. I built it in nine months, I lost it in three days, three and a half days to be technical. That sucked, that was the end of the world. I was going home to live with my mom. I was the failure, and I'm sitting here because I didn't go home with my mom.

So, that's the piece in the moment, there's nothing to learn from that. I was like, it's all over. It's horrible. Probably if not the single top three biggest lessons I've ever learned in my life that I actually say losing that money was almost the best thing that happened to me early on. because it taught me that I wasn't invincible, taught me that nothing is permanent, good or bad and that you can kind of survive and go through it. So, if you start doing that mindset and you start understanding like, Hey, I have done this. I don't recommend losing 2 million in just three days for your audience, that's not a great strategy. There's cheaper ways to learn lesson, learn it from me. But think about the things that you've already overcome. You're here, you're human. Like all the things you've already done to survive you're here. So, give yourself that confidence and give yourself that encouragement, go through. And the more you do that, the more failure becomes part of the process because you're going to fail, period. Promise you! You're gonna fail. Just don't make it catastrophic. Don't put it where it's all in fail quick, fail, small, learn, get better and get better.


Love that. And talk to us a little bit to your book, (Coming out Without a Plan.) If people get nothing else out of it, what do you hope that they get out of it?


A lot of it's personal for me, and I think it's important for me. I've never been asked this question, probably a pretty basic question, two things, one entrepreneur or business, just get started. I think it even goes down to your personal life, right? Just get started. Like what is the worst thing that can actually happen? Go home, live with your mom. What does it define? Get comfortable with it. I can tolerate that, or I can't, then come back a little bit, but just get started. I can tell you, no business planned for COVID, did they?


There's no business plan for somethings we don't know. So, why let that delay you getting what? In yourself what's relationship, life, partner, business don't get in your own way. So, I think just get started, and I think the other piece is, for me just turned 42 a month or so ago and it took me a long time to, I've had a lot of success, but it took me a lot of time personally, to really understand what's important in life. I think there's a challenge and I love the shark tank, I love all the things that are out there. And everyone's an influencer now, everyone wants to be a business, but some people aren't made for entrepreneurship. Some people aren't and then entrepreneurship is not.


You fly on private jets, you do some things, but that's not what it's about. It's not the easy pieces. And then why are you doing them? I think really understanding what's important to you and then distilling that down into. Yeah, that's it. So, it's just that self-barometer. Like I wanna go and change healthcare. I wanna go and do that. Well, why do you wanna do it? Because, it just makes you happy. It gives you drive and its passion. Then do it. You wanna drive Italian Ferrari because you drive, you like Italian sports cars, then do it. But if you're doing it, cause I wanna change healthcare to make a bunch of money. You're in the wrong game. You wanna drive Ferrari to impress someone, you're in the wrong game. Why at your core do you really want to do these things?


And hopefully it comes down to love, relationship and friendships and, and passion. Hopefully that's what you kind of get out of it. And that goes back to getting out of your own way. That's a really long-winded answer, two things really, just get outta your own way, get started, and understand your why. You can lose focus on that, I've done it. I've lost focus many times, like I'm invincible and making up this money. Like, why am I doing it? Am I doing this for the right reasons? And like, am I making it back? Just putting that piece and having that little barometer for yourself. I'm like, yeah, I'm on the right track. And then you're good. That gets you through the hard times. Why am I doing all this stuff? Well, this failure is so hard because it's important to my family, it's important to my legacy or I think is what gets you through it. So, having that core anchored beliefs and understanding of where you want to go, is what I hope you take from it.


Good! And that was all a lot of great advice. With that, I just have four final questions for you. The first one is, what's the best piece of advice you were ever given?


So, there's some context here, but I was probably 22, 23. I left fidelity. I was starting outta my own venture capital. We had a building material business, and we were selling these high-end window and door jobs, like out in the Hamptons. We'd like Calvin Kline's house, IC icon's house. And this guy came in, I remember his nice BMW, X five led me to get my first X five. And we did his house pre successful guy, entrepreneur, restaurants, different businesses. And he paid me. I'm like, dude, I just wanna pick your brain, you're awesome. He was like 33, 34, at the time. And I'm like, just tell me what you did. How did you get to where you are? He asked how old I was.

He's like, all right, 23, good. You don't deserve to have any money in the bank until you're 30. I'm like, whoa! It's kind of a Dick thing to say, like what? That's not nice! I came shoot polite, like, why would you say that? The context was really, and I clearly live by it. Was like, people will get so inept with like, oh, I'm not old. I'm too young. Like you should be going so hard. And just failing is possibly case. So basically, his context was like, Hey, you don't need to have safety nets until you're 30. Just go in, follow your dreams, go through, you have an idea funded, go through, live off a ramen noodle, like who cares, live in an apartment, just go through because then you can afford to lose it. All right then! 30, now you need to start maybe dialing back your wrist to launches. So, for me, it took some context from him. Explain that to me, but it made sense. And I live by it and it's worked out well for me.


Share with us one thing on your bucket list.


So, I love travel. We're planning summer vacations now for the kids. So, there's a great book, Bill Perkins wrote called Die With Zero and he's got these things that are called like time buckets. Like, Hey, we were just in Tuscany last week and you know, walking through Florence and like, you're trying to get walking cities in before you're, 50. So, you can actually enjoy them. But now with Elon and Richard going through and making space, actually palatable, I think it's me taking my son to a space.


When the toy companies finally get around to making an action figure of you, what two accessories will it come with


A hairbrush. No. look! I think I'm a watch guy. So, I think probably some sort of watch and I like cars and collect cars as well. So, some sort of either car keys or a cool old car.


And the last one, how do people find you and also how will they be able to get your book when that comes out?


Hopefully the book's out sometime end of this year, hopefully by Christmas. Definitely labor love, but I'm pretty easy to find it's jeremydelk.com. And I'm Jeremy S Delk on all social. So, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, ETC. Love, happy, Tokin, connect, happy to help. I've got something I'm putting on the website. Actually, I think last week and it's little tips and little blueprints that you guys can get for free, this one-page plan. Everyone has these business plans that are 40 pages that aren't good for anything. No one actually uses them. So, I've got a simple component of like, Hey, what's your north star? Where do you wanna go? And it's what I use in all my businesses. So, hopefully someone's looking for something like a tool you can have that with your audience for free.


Love it. Thank you so much for being here and sharing all that information, Jeremy.


Thank you for having me.


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