How Do I Increase My Social Media Engagement?

Henry Sims is a digital marketing nerd. Having started his career path in Mechanical Engineering and Kinesiology, he got frustrated with the boundaries of the traditional system. He left wanting more and not knowing what to do, which landed him in the world of entrepreneurship. He dove into the family businesses, where he found a deep interest in digital marketing. His passion and implementation of digital systems and strategies lead to further success of the family businesses. Since, he has worked with high level business coaches and consultants, politicians, local businesses, and more under his growing digital marketing agency, Zesty Owl.

Use it because there are so many eyeballs there…and it’s free.

Content changes a lot, but currently we see that a lot of educational content is very good as well as user content.

We know subconsciously what an ad looks like….we skip by them.

People want to know what’s in it for them.

If you can find the right content and the right…there often isn’t a limit to how much you can post.  But sometimes it can overwhelm people.  They don’t want to see the same kind of content over and over again.

It’s a balancing act and it depends on the platform.

Twitter…you need to put out a lot of content.  YouTube you could be ok with putting out one video a week.

A lot of…businesses put out too many asks.  one of the general basic rules is the 3:1 ratio…put out 2-3 pieces of content and then an ask.

You don’t want to keep asking all the time because there’s no value in that.

When people don’t really want to define their message and they’d rather just try and reach a lot of people, then you’re diluting your message which means for those people that do matter to your business, you’re giving them diluted content.

So instead of trying to reach the masses…it’s better  to really define your message and create that content that is geared towards those people that are right for your business because they will see that and it will impact them far more than your diluted content meant for everyone.

Likes is that little button we push…the engagement can be anything…see more, sharing it, commenting on it, it could be clicking the user name to see your profile.  Those are all engagements.

Don’t care too much if they like it….if they are engaging with it, that’s a good sign that it’s grabbing someone’s attention.

It’s more of a back end advertising metric that we can see

Not everyone likes posts.  The percentage of people that actually do like posts is low….knowing that people are clicking around on it on the back end is really valuable to know.  And you can see that with your ads.

If you’re playing a strictly organic game, then you definitely want to drive up the comments and the shares…those are strong.  A like is a very easy thing to do, putting a comment takes more time….the platforms want to make sure that gets seen by more people.

Find what kind of content your audience resonates with and that’s just a constant testing process.


Social media is a long term game. 

They build this trust over time and that gets them to reach out and get involved more.

You want to be able to show who you are as well as what you do and that gives the viewers this kind of connection, some way that they can relate and connect with you and build trust with you.

I like posts with photos.  Photos are engaging and they help tell more than just text and they help portray an emotion differently than text does.  It also, from just a pure advertising standpoint, it takes up more space i the feed so as you’re scrolling through you have more chance of grabbing someone’s attention by having a photo there instead of just text.

I like to see new content (images) frequently but it depends on budgets and audience sizes.  If your audience is very small…its going to be a lot easier and quicker to get that ad seen by everyone. …so if you’re getting people to see your ads sooner and quicker, you’ll get ad fatigue  and you need to refresh them. 

I find that it’s not that much more work to be on most of them because you can repurpose the content all around. and other websites will give you the demographic data of who’s on these platforms…to direct the majority of your efforts. 

This is doing better than other posts….boost it…not always true.  

Looking at comments, DMs, profile visits….in pro accounts…use those metrics.

Giveaways has been one of the most effective strategies for growing social media accounts.

In advertising….they don’t really like you demanding action and they will warn you of it or they will surprise the reach that you will get. 

There should always be a goal….why am I putting out this kind of post, why am I putting out this kind of video? Is it to inform people, is it to build trust, is it to show some personality?

The spider web strategy…anywhere someone finds you, you’re directing them to a certain zone….focus all your outreach to one zone and it’s a lot easier to manage.

Facebook…pages are great because you can put money behind your posts, but groups and personal profiles have much better organic reach.  Personal profiles you have to be careful about being too heavy on your asks…that’s what your business page is for.  You can do whatever you want in a group….

Some things that will get you into trouble on Facebook…

Twitter is very in the moment.  If you can capitalize on that and join in on conversations about things that matter to you…that gets the ball rolling.

Instagram being visual is very important and utilizing hashtags of all sizes.

Have your brand hashtags…and have them in all of your posts.  It helps build up a content bank.

social media fingerprint  : FB

You can’t steer a parked car.


Audio : Ariza Music Productions

#henrydsims #zestyowl #marlanasemenzaphoto #youriconicimage


Networking at a Higher Level


Using Video and YouTube to Grow Your Brand