Using Video and YouTube to Grow Your Brand

Alice Fuller, Sheer Social. TV Producer turned social media marketer and consultant

The advantage of video is some semblance of transparency.

If you are trying to do video for business, you have to have an end goal in mind. What does your audience want to hear from you? Do not get into that mindset of creating content that you want see.

Do a little research hand find out that pain points.

There’s different types of videos to fit different goals.

First you have to figure out ‘what is your brand?’ It’s the experience that people have with you.

Along the journey you will do different types of videos.

First be realistic with yourself…you have to figure out what you can do in your own schedule.

If you’re doing it for business, you want to put some thought into it.

Consistency is important.  

We used to say….keep it short…if you’re doing 5 minutes, it’s too long. And then Netflix came along and proved that we will binge watch something as long as it’s something we find interesting.

What would make somebody watch your video? Because keep in mind, your video is in competition with everything else that’s going on in the world. So, as a producer, what can you create that would inspire that kind of give and take of attention?

The platforms now like you to create engaging content.  

Right now in social media, we are getting away from telling you it has to be short, short, short.

If you can put enough of those short pieces together that pull people through…almost like a filmmaker…no scene is there just to be there unless it’s providing something crucial to the story.

We watch it because we like that person and we want some insight into their lives, their behind the scenes.

Where you put it depends on the audience you’re desiring to reach.

The challenge with pre-recorded videos is it’s passive engagement…You have no way of knowing if the goal of your video was even met.

Test. And keep testing…The types of video that get the engagement you want that’s the type of video you want to continue doing. But it’s still good to mix up the content so people don’t create an appetite for one type because after a while they’ll get full and then it just becomes wallpaper.

You still have to be the producer and promoter.


Craft your video around what people are searching for, not vice versa.

Tell people in emails, use other social media platforms, call people, text messaging

Facebook and YouTube do not like each other. They are not playing in the same sandbox.

Collaborate with somebody. Get out of your own backyard and start networking with other content creators.

Every platform is different in what kind of engagement they give priority to.

‘Subscribe now’, ‘click this’…on FB? No. YouTube? Fine. No problem. On Instagram? No problem.  

Each platform wants the viewer to stay on that platform as long as possible.

YouTube: SEO….Google owns YouTube. Google is the #1 search engine in the world. YouTube is #2.

You have to get out of your comfort zone and promote it.  

Too many of us look at YouTube as a place where I just put my videos…but YouTube is a stand alone social media platform.

It wants to become the CBS…the ABCs. Now they want you to develop audiences.  

Study the platform first. Not only that…study your competition.  

Figure out who your target audience is going to be.

What’s your messaging going to be?

What type of video are you going to create?


If you are doing personal types of services, I want to hear your story. How can you help me?

Don’t get into this headspace of I have to tell my story in two minutes or less. It’s not a job interview.

I’m scared of what people are going to say. We have to be realistic about the social part of the social media platform….expect for comments to come and they may not always be postivite. Trolls do exist….once you build a community, your community will come and shut that person down more often than not.  

You hope they say something. You have to get comfortable with that feedback. But every platform has tools in place to combat abusive behavior.

We get really caught up in the vanity metrics….But the reality of that is growth, process….they didn’t to build that overnight….For you, you have to trust the process and promote what you’re doing and create content that people want.  

Start doing more listening than talking. Start doing more researching than posting….now you have a formula to say this is what’s missing from this conversation.  

You don’t sacrifice that 100 in pursuit of that 1000 who don’t care.

Live video is going to become the default. The minute you put yourself in front of that camera, the stakes do change.

 The more you do them, the better you get at them.

Trust the process.


Social Media Scene:

music and audio production by Ariza Music Productions


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