Making The Best Use of Our Time

Jones Loflin


Business Tagline: Helping others make the best choices with their time so they can thrive!

Jones Loflin has made it his life’s work to deliver powerful ideas and practical solutions to help people make the best choices with their time.

Jones’ innovative solutions have attracted the attention of organizations around the world. His client list includes Federal Express, Wal-Mart, and Choice Hotels as well as the United States military and a number of international companies.

Jones is an accomplished author and coach. His books include Always Growing, Juggling Elephants, Getting The Blue Ribbon, and Getting to It.

Audio : Ariza Music Productions

Transcription : Vision In Word


Jones Loflin has made it his life's work to deliver powerful ideas and practical solutions to as his tagline reads help others make the best choices with their time so they can thrive, which has attracted clients such as FedEx, Walmart, and the US military. Welcome Jones.


Oh, pleasure to be here with you, Marlana. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart, which is making the best choices with your time.


And honestly, sometimes a subject that I can be a hot mess with. So why do you think we struggle with time management?


Well, first of all, let me say this, I don't have it all figured out. If I tell a lot of people that when I do have it all figured out, I'll be dead, and it won't matter. You know because it is such a difficult topic. I think one of the things that happens for many people is it's just this whole term time management. You know, we really don't manage time, as Charlie Gilkey says, you know, we manage schedules, we manage energy, we manage choices, time can only be accounted for. It's only in the rearview mirror can we look back and go, Oh, yeah, that was not a good choice, which led to taking too much time with this and those kinds of things? And answer to your question, the reason I think we struggle is because we have so many competing demands on our time and competing expectations, you know, what we expect of ourselves, what our boss expects of us, what our family expects of us. And so sometimes it's hard to cut through the clutter, and figure out what is the best choice for me to make in this moment, and then you add in, you know, poor energy levels, so we don't have the mental energy to make the best decisions or to hold on to those healthy boundaries, that I think it's just a cadre of reasons that bring us to the point of we as not making the best choices with your time.


You know, it's interesting because I believe that people don't seem to understand that everything comes at a cost. The cost does not necessarily have to be monetary, but if we say yes to something, then we're saying no to something else, because we only have a limited amount of time. So even if we say yes to something that we want to do or saying no to maybe another choice that we could have made or relaxing or anything, there's always a give and take here. That being the case, how do we make better choices?


I think it starts with stopping. And I know that sounds strange, but I make the comment sometimes that I think we're so busy checking boxes, we haven't stopped to ask ourselves, are these the right boxes to check? And so, I think it starts with stopping and giving yourself some space to say, what is important to me and to even step back? What are my values? What do I value? What's my purpose? I mean, I think it really starts with getting to that deeper level, and saying, what is it I want from my life, from my work, from the choices that I'm going to make this month, this week, today, and really kind of beginning to take control, if you will, of your time resources little bit more. One of the books that I have coauthored called Juggling Elephants and a Talk About Managing Your Working Life Like It's A Circus. And in the book, we talk about being the ringmaster of your circus and I think that's really where the second part is, is okay, this is my purpose. This is what I value now, what am I in control of as it relates to making choices? So, I think that's where it starts is stopping and asking yourself, what is important to you? And then aligning or making choices based on what is important instead of how I feel at the moment or what someone else expects of me.


Does the end goal come into play at all when making our choices to like, let's say if I know that tomorrow I want this or in a week I want that, making those choices with our time that will get us closer to the final goal?


Sure, right. The great point and I think it was first said so well in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. One of the principles of habits is begin with the end in mind. You know, what's the outcome you want? It's interesting in some of my keynotes when I talk to people, and I'll ask them that question, I'll say, What do you want from, what do you want to have by the end of the day, or by the end of the week? What are the outcomes you want? And it's interesting to see people kind of really have to really think about that, I'd like to feel fulfilled, or I'd like to be happy about the work that I got done, you know, during the week, okay, what does that look like?

Let's make that real, because I think that's the other thing that happens, or one of the other things that happens when we start talking about time management, is we forget to make it very tactical to make it real. I find myself saying so often the people who tell Yeah, I just want a better life, right? I just want to, you know, improve. Okay, what does that look like? Because once we know what it looks like, then we can begin to figure out how to create that picture. And how to create that image, you know, all about image. I mean, it's your expertise. How do you create that image? What do you change? What do you adjust to get to that outcome that you want?


You know, and it's interesting too, because a gentleman that I spoke with at one point, he said, we also have to really be specific in the things that we want, because he said, people come and say, oh, I want to make more money. He said, I can take a quarter out of my pocket and hand it to him say, Okay, now you have more money, you need to be more specific. What does that look like to you?


Oh! I love it. That's beautiful, to me is so important. I had the privilege of working a few years ago with Dr. Spencer Johnson, who wrote the amazing bestseller Who Moved My Cheese. And he talked about when people want to change, they need to have a sensible vision to motivate them. It's got to make sense to them, just like you said, you know, what does more look like and being able to create that image is just critical. And in fact, some of my sessions, I will actually have people write down, okay, if you're successful with becoming a better leader, or if you're successful at becoming a better parent, what are you going to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste? And it's a fun exercise. Because once they stopped, they go, Well, yeah, this is what I would physically see how it happened, this is what I would hear my child or my boss saying, once we get that specific, then it motivates us. And it also gives us a path forward, okay, what's it going to take for your boss to say that to you, and then you can start making better choices. So yeah, idea of an image is extremely important.


Okay, so now we have decided on what we want the outcome to be, and we're specific about it. Now, how do we form our plan?


Sure, absolutely! The next step is that you have to look at your non-discretionary time, you know, what's already taken up in your day. And so, I think that comes in to looking at and looking at what's already blocked out, whether it's meetings, expectations are already on your calendar of where you've got to get certain work done. So, I think you've got to look at your non-discretionary time. And then from there, if you've done a good job with that, then you start to see your discretionary time, you know, what are the holes in my schedule? What are the opportunities? What are the openings that I could focus on some of these high priority tasks, these things that aren't yelling at me, but that I want to work on?

I think once you've got those figured out where that discretionary time is, then then the next step is you've got to decide what the next step is, what's the action that can be taken? You know, for example, let's go back to the better parent example. I was just coaching someone earlier about parenting and using their time well, and if you want to be a better parent, okay, you've got 30 minutes this afternoon, you, and your schedule, how could you use that time to work on being a better parent? And for some, they might say, well, you know, what if in that 30 minute, I took care of these tasks, I can be more present with my child that evening. Fantastic. Some might say, you know, I'm just really struggling with how to work with a strong-willed child. Okay, are there some blogs? Is there a couple videos that you could watch? Is there a friend you could reach out to who you know he's got a strong-willed child that you could talk to, but how are you going to use that time that you do have effectively to help get towards that outcome? So, I think those are the next logical steps after you decide on purpose and values and outcomes that you want.


Okay, you said that this parent said that, maybe they can use their time to take care of other things, so they have more time to spend with the child. So, in a way, can we create time? Like can we create more time?


I'm gonna get to your question, I promise. One of my goals in life is to write a book. In fact, I've got on my wall, my vision board kind of over here. I have one, but it's called Time Is Money. And I think in terms of your question, you can't necessarily create time, we just have the same number of minutes, I think you can spend less time on something, which is going to give you more time to invest, if they get in terms of money to invest on something that's going to give you a better outcome. So, I think you're creating the space, you're creating potential outcomes. The time to me is very transactional is if I if I spend, if I use that 30 minute to so now, I'll almost argue my on point with you, but if I could use that 30 minutes wisely, then I probably can have more than 30 minutes that evening. Because if I'm trying to work with my child and get some other tasks done, it might take me an hour to get everything done. Whereas if I focus that 30 minute, I get it all done, and then I've got more space in the evening. So long answer is the reality is I don't think we can create more time, I think we can use time more effectively, which is going to create that space for us to be more present, you know, for whatever that other thing is,


which you brought up another interesting thing that a lot of people think is that they can effectively multitask. Go ahead.


weekend saw this right now Marlana. Okay, this is the group participation part of this podcast, okay, so your listeners can participate, you're gonna participate, you're going to prove my point, here's what I want you to do. And you may have to slide back on your screen a little bit. So, you don't post your camera. But I want you to take one hand at my left, right, and I want you to stick it out in front of you. And I want you to make a circle with it. Okay, now stick your other finger out. And while you're making a circle with this one, make a rectangle with the other one. How's that going? We cannot consciously focus on two tasks at one time. Now we can quickly switch, but we can't do them at this. Our minds just aren't wired that way.

Now, when I use this exercise, sometimes in a training session, it's hilarious because some people will focus so hard and they'll say, Okay, if I go slow enough, I can do it. I'm like, Yeah, and so their tasks gonna take three times as long, right? They'll go. Yeah, and that's the whole thing with multitaskers. We slow ourselves down for getting anything done. Because we're switching back and forth so quickly, and using so much physical, mental, and sometimes even emotional energy, trying to switch between one and the other. So, no multitasking, it doesn't happen. Quick switch, quick switching, yes. But then we're wasting energy, that if we'd fully focus on one, get it done, and then fully focus on the other one as much as possible and get it done. We set ourselves up for so much more success.


So now that we've decided that we're going to focus on the one thing, how do we cut out distractions or protect that time, so we can accomplish that?


I suggest that there are three sources of distraction for any of us that we have to manage. And those are internal, external and the expectations of others. Let's start with the internal is just what it sounds like. It's the noise in our heads. It's the perfectionism that screaming at us saying everything's gotta be done perfectly. It's the I've got to get everything done today. mentality, but it's that noise going on in our head. It's the worry that Okay, what if this happens, what if that happens? So, I think one of the things we have to do is to manage those internal distractions, we have to turn down that noise by, you know, let's just take procrastination or excuse perfectionism, and you know, I think it's stopping ourselves and saying, does everything really have to be done perfectly? Or does this task I'm working on what parts of it need to be done perfectly and what parts just need to be done? You know, one of my favorite quotes that I heard from someone, “sometimes Done is better than perfect,” you know, type of thing. So, I think it starts with managing the internal.

The second thing is to manage the external. And this is usually the easiest one to deal with. It's the smartphone that's in your work area that's making the dings, or the chirps are lights up or the little red dots that tell you've got a notification. It's the noise around you, is the physical environment you're in. You know, it's interesting with so many people who are working remotely now, in my coaching with many of them, I'll do a an audit of their workspace and I'll say, do you currently see something that reminds you that you need to work on it or do you currently see something that that causes you to go Oh, I don't like seeing that they say, oh, sure I see some painting I need to be doing or, and he's painting on the walls, I said laundry needs to be folded, oh, I am sitting next to the kitchen. So, every time I look up, I'm like, I'm hungry. You know, that's what I'm talking about with the external, you know, we've got to deal with those external distractions to figure out how do we create an environment where it's easier to focus. And sometimes if you're working remotely, that's just changing the direction of your workspace. Some people like to get out of the office to go to a local coffee shop, or somewhere where they can put the earbuds in.

The third is expectations of others. You know, sometimes we get so caught up in thinking that this person wants this from us, or they want something a certain way or that they want us to be this, that that we just can't meet it. And they keep an example, in the workplace. Sometimes we've got a boss who, who keeps giving us work or has unrealistic deadlines for what we're supposed to be doing. And that, that frustrates us, What worries us, it feels heavy to us, and we can't deliver our best work. And so that's a distraction if you will. So, I think really, that's what it comes down to, is evaluating the internal, external, and the expectations from others. If you can get those in line and manage those effectively, then I think you have a better chance of being able to focus on that one thing.


Do you think that we've become addicted to distraction? For example, our phone or let's say, you know, people say, Oh, I can do this and leave the television on while I'm working on this. So, do you think we've become a little addicted to them?


Yeah, and we could do a whole other podcast on this one, probably. But I think one of the things that happens for many people is that they like getting distraction, because they don't want to work on something else. I mean, I struggle with this, I've noticed that when I have something to work on that that feels heavy, or that seems hard. I noticed myself reaching for my coffee cup to take a sip of coffee, or I find myself going, I need a snack. Or I start saying, you know, I haven't checked my email, or if my email dings, oh, I need to check my email.

I think we have for lots of reasons, I'm addicted distractions, because it takes us away from focusing on the work that needs to be done. And there's a whole series of things we can do to help with that, sometimes that's making the task simpler, you know, reminding us of the outcome of getting this done, how much better we'll feel. And then sometimes it's just going back to those three things I mentioned earlier, but I do think we're addicted to our distractions, because it's a crutch for not doing more important work at times,


or just the stuff we really don't want to do.


Exactly, yeah. And here's the thing, is that if we would do those things, we know the weight that will be lifted off of us. And that's what I talk to a lot of my coaching clients about, they'll have something they're kind of just not wanting to work on. And I'll say, Well, why don't you go ahead and get it done so that you don't have to worry about the rest of the day. Because if not, you're thinking about it. Even if you're not working on it. It's kind of knocking at your door going oh, by the way, you haven't finished me yet. And you can think that you're focused on a conversation with somebody at work. And the reality is half of us listening and half of us going Yes, I know, I need to be working on that other task right now. Yeah, it's a big problem.


You know, I've heard people say, make a list of things that you need to accomplish for the day. And some people approach it do the easiest thing first. Some people say if you don't finish something on the list, then make it the first thing on the next day's list. What are your thoughts on all of that?


First of all, I believe that lists are important. However, I don't encourage people to work from a list. As far as when you're actively working through your day. My philosophy is that when you just go back to that list we talked about earlier when you think about your purpose, the outcomes you want. And I think then after that, that's when you start making your list, if you will, okay, based on what I want from this day of the outcomes I want, then these are the things I'd like to get done today. There's your list. And then once you've gone through that exercise of determining your non-discretionary and discretionary time, then that's where the items in the list need to be dropped into your calendar. It’s dangerous to me to look at just to have that list, because you're going to look at that list. And our minds are lazy. I mean, we know that and so our minds are going to look at the easiest item that's on that list and go Yeah, I could finish that in five minutes. I'll do that because then all those endorphins are gonna go off Whew, you got something done, if you see an item on there, that's going to take an hour or that you don't have clarity on, then what can happen is your mind is going to avoid working on that one. So, I'm not a big proponent of list either just as a warehouse place, you know, okay, I'm thinking I need to do that, okay, would write that down, it goes somewhere in a trusted space, until you're ready to work on.

I think if people are going to use lists, two things that need to happen. One is, any item on your list needs to be broken down into a meaningful description, needs to be an action, in other words, and then we're instead of writing down work on marketing project, it might be identified two objectives for marketing project that's much more doable. The other thing that I think's important is to put a time that you think those tasks are going to take so you might have talk with Bob about the next event or something and you think that's going to take about 20 minutes? Well, then what happens is, is that if you're in going through your day, and your calendar shows up, oh, you've got the next 30 minutes free.

You glance over it your list. Oh, I could talk with Bob about, you know, the next event provided Bob's available, but you know, it just helps you to be more streamlined with it. Because what happens so often is, we spend too much time looking at that list, and we start going, Yeah, should I be working on? Yeah, that would be, and we've lost momentum. And then our brain, then the e mail notification bells, oh, I've got it, or you know, goes off, and then we go check it or the Slack message. And so, then we distract ourselves from focusing on our list. Now we just kind of start responding to whatever shows up.


What about the people that spend too much time on the work stuff? And not enough time on the personal stuff? And I say not enough time, but you know what? I mean, they're so immersed in one, that they seem to neglect the other. How do we make that shift?


I'm gonna ask you a question Marlana. Define immersed for me, when you say immersed, is because they're so passionate that they're working on something, or they're so immersed because they've got so much to do, and they just feel like they can't pull away to take time for themselves or relationships?


Well, let me ask you this, would it be a different answer for each of those things?


Yeah, I think so. And so, you're a wonderful host. By breaking it down that way, let's take them in several. First of all, if you're so immersed, because it brings you such joy. That's the easier one of the two I think to deal with. In my book Juggling Elephants, I talked about how we have three rings in our life, we have a work ring, a relationship ring, and a self-ring. So, if you've got someone who wants to spend all their time in their work ring, if you will, and they're neglecting those other two rings, I guess my first question to that person would be what are the consequences of you making that choice to constantly be immersed in your work? And if they say, No, I don't think there are any getting along well, my significant other, I'm getting enough sleep, I'm eating well, getting exercise, then I go good for you. You know, there are those people who are that way, and especially if it's for a certain amount of time, especially you're a creative, you know, this, there's times that you get immersed in something and you're just in the zone or in the flow, as we talked about. And you know, to pull yourself out would just be detrimental, because you're just working on it. Now, I think once we hit a wall, then it's time to say I need to stop and go be in one of my other rings, whether it's the self-ring or the relationship ring. So that's that piece.

Now to the other one that if someone just feels overloaded, they're immersed because they're drowning. If you will submerge, immersed, maybe, then I think they've got to ask themselves, what's causing me to be overloaded with work? Is it I'm doing some things inefficiently? Am I not focusing? Am I being I letting my day just be so scattered that I'm not taking the opportunity to focus more effectively? Do others have unrealistic expectations of me? Am I trying to get everything done? I mean, I think there's a whole list of questions that that I know I asked when I'm coaching people to try to get to the root of what's causing them to be overloaded at work because sometimes it is a valid or not valid. Sometimes they do have too much on their plate. Sometimes I find they're inefficient with what they're working on. And that's the bigger culprit that needs to be addressed. To help them not feel so overloaded with their work.


Do you see overload lead to a lot of burnouts?


Oh, we all the great resignation. Hello! You know, I think certainly we have seen that. And I think that the challenge is that once you start feeling overloaded, if you're not willing to get help, whether that's having a conversation with a mentor, a friend, someone who's got your best interests at heart, I think that's where it gets dangerous and can lead to burnout. Because then if you're not communicating with others and not looking to get help, then you start feeling isolated. And when you start feeling isolated, I think that you start feeling like, well, there must be something wrong with me. And I need to do something. And so that leads to the burnout, and then thinking, the job's wrong for me, I need to go work somewhere else.

It's interesting, I think we're finding through this great resignation that a lot of people have felt burnout, they've been overfilled overwork, they've experienced burnout, they've left thinking it was going to be different somewhere else. And what is I can't remember the statistics, I want to say it's almost a half  want to return to their previous job, because they're going, it wasn't the job.


Well, usually, the problem is that wherever you go, you still bring yourself


exactly, that's it. See, I was trying to get to that, you should have said that and saved us three minutes of airtime. But yeah, we bring ourselves and unless we're willing to work on ourselves and develop those routines and habits that help us be our best and our self-ring and our relationship ring. Yeah, we're always gonna have those problems at work.


So, talking about those rings, tell us a little bit more about this book, Juggling Elephants.


Sure, I don't know if it's, again, it's a metaphor or an analogy. And so, it helps people begin to understand where they need to make changes, and the struggle of too much to do. And so, once you have looked at those three rings, one of the questions to ask yourself, you know, it's which one's most important, and you got to work, right? You got to sell friend got a relationship, right? And people will go, well, they're all important. Works, important sales support.


Really? Yeah, you're right.


Now let me ask you this question. Which one do you tend to neglect most often? And of course, if I'm in a room of 200 people, they're all going to say, and I'll say, You know what the circus teaches us that all three rings are important. And if you neglect one, it impacts your ability to perform well. And the other two, because nobody likes going to a circus, and only seeing great acts and one ring or two rings. And so, it's a great self-awareness tool to say, Where do I need to begin making some changes. And what I'm doing if I'm going to be more effective than for example, the person who wants to improve at work, maybe it's not so much that they need to learn even how to manage their time more effectively. Maybe they just need to understand how to improve their mental energy, by getting better sleep by changing their eating routines. Maybe they need to have more healthy relationships in their life.

I'll never forget, I was coaching an attorney several years ago, and his productivity at work had fallen off. And it wasn't because he didn't know great time management practices. He was because his son was failing algebra. And it was weighing on him, he didn't even realize that that's what was affecting him. So, he couldn't focus on work as much as it should. So, what was his strategy? He'd find some help for his sons for algebra, because then he would feel better about that relationship. And then, you know, that way he would be more effective at work because he wouldn't be distracted by that. So, that's what the book is about.

Oh, we also talked about creating the right lineup, which goes back some of those things we talked about earlier, you know, finding the holes in your lineup and where you can drop in those most important activities. And then we also talk about taking intermissions. One of the things that that's interesting is that a circus is proactive, about stopping to rest and refocus. It's called scaly, intermission. It's the middle of the performance. It's the same reason we in sporting events we have halftime so that it gives every player on the team a chance to it gives the coach a chance to examine their strategy to see if it's working. You know, I think people need to do more of that in their workdays and in their lives, they need to take those opportunities to strategically stop, and rest get the rest they need. And there's lots of kinds of risks that many of us need, but then they need to replenish what's missing.

You know, for a football player, they need water, they need electrolytes. For us, maybe it's we need space to breathe. We need to, you know, opportunities to connect with other people, and then to refocus. You know, that's the great thing about taking an intermission as you start going, Okay, how do I make my next half even more effective than my previous one, instead of continuing to work until something breaks, whether it's our concentration, whether We have a bad conversation with a team member because we got really snappy at them. Or we just, you know, waste time because we don't have the physical or mental energy to do the task that's in front of us.


Love it. And I know that I'm going to be buying this book.


Well, you had to send me your address. Marlana, I should have sent you one prior to this podcast, but we'll take care of you don't worry.


Oh! Thank you. And with all this amazing and wonderful information that you have given us now, I just have four final questions for you. What is the best piece of advice you were ever given? Okay, I'm gonna give you three,


but I'll make it quick, I promise. The first one was when my wife and I got married, advice was to live off one income and put the other one away. That has made all the difference in our lives. Because we have been able to, for me to start my own business many years ago, for us to have some freedom of choice for the way we wanted our lives to go. Because of looking for ways to save that income at that time.

Second thing would be my great friend, Todd Music, who I co-wrote Jungle Elephants with, he has this phrase called ready fire aim. And I just love that because I can tend to overanalyze things. And ready fire aim is all about, okay, go do something. Now learn from it. You know, that would be the then the third one is a quote, I don't know where it came from came to me many years ago. And it's similar, but it says, we make a decision. And then we make it right. You know, we all spent so much time trying to make the right decision. And we do need to use data. And we do need to reflect on the decision we're making to make sure it's, you know, that it's valid, but we make the decision, and then we should align all our resources to making it right. Because if not, you know, we may always be vacillating between Well, should I have done that? Or should I not have done that? So those are your three?


And you know, it was well worth it to have three?


Well, thank you more later.


What's one thing on your bucket list?


Oh, here we go! I want to spend the winter in a lodge or a castle the entire winter. I first got this idea when my family and I traveled to Mackinac Island in Michigan. And there's a hotel there called the Grand Hotel and it's closed in the winter, because the ice freezes over are the light phrases over and you can't get there, and they close it down because it's so cold. I thought wow, what to have the food and resources I would need just to live here all winter. Oh, it would be glorious. I mean, that I would just love or the Old Faithful lodge in Yellowstone because they close down the winter, you know, because I would just love to do that to write, to read, to relax. That's one thing on my bucket list; spend the winter in a lodge or a castle.


Love it. When the toy company's finally get around to making an action figure of you, what two accessories will it come with?


Okay, this one was a little bit harder. I think one of those accessories would be a comfortable chair. And the second one would be a map. One of the things that it's been my life purpose is to help people become more comfortable with where they are. A comfortable chair reminds me of a great conversation, and one of the joys of what I get to do is have some really great conversations with folks like yourself and others so comfortable chair, the map? My hope is that in any conversation I have with someone they leave better equipped to take that next step on their journey to know what they can do to thrive in ways that are important to them.


Perfect. And the last one, how do people find you? How do people find the book?


Absolutely. I will start with me. My website, which you will have in your show notes is That's where they can initially find me. I'm also on all the social media platforms. I love to connect with people on LinkedIn especially because I put out a lot of content there related to time management and work life success. My books, Always Growing, Jungle Elephants, Getting  to It can be found Amazon, Barnes and Noble. Many of them are available both hardback and also Kindle or eBook versions as well. So, you just type in Jones Loflin, and it'll pull up a list of my books on Amazon.


Thank you so much. Thanks for being here. My pleasure


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