Overcoming Obstacles

Shavannah Speaks Moore

Shavannah Speaks Moore is a portrait of resilience and grace. The entrepreneur, speaker, life coach and corporate master trainer’s goal is to empower women & Leaders to become ALL that they desire. As a woman who has experienced many hardships in life including but not limited to poverty, molestation & depression, Shavannah has not allowed these obstacles to hold her back. Instead, she has used them as catalysts to push herself forward.

She has broken boundaries & challenged the status quo of what society deemed possible. This stellar media mogul will soon be gracing our television screens with her new show, Limitless Living with Shavannah Speaks Moore on CBS, which teaches viewers how to overcome obstacles and live their dreams by letting their voice be heard!



Audio : Ariza Music Productions

Transcription: Vision In Word


  Shavannah Speaks Moore is a portrait of resilience and grace. As an entrepreneur, speaker, life coach and corporate master trainer. Her goal is to empower women and leaders to become all that they desire. She is broken boundaries, challenge the status quo and will soon be gracing our television screens with her new show Limitless Living with Shannah-speaks-moore on CBS welcome Shavannah. 


Hello, thank you so much for having me.


 So, I know people look at you and where you are at this stage in the game. And think it must have been easy. You know, there have been no obstacles that you've overcome. But I know that you certainly have. talk to us a little bit about what it took to get to where you are.


Oh, boy, where do I even start with that? So, you're right. a lot of the times, you know, on this journey that we travel, a lot of people see your success, and they have no idea what the story is behind that success. So, for me, I guess without going too much into my backstory, I grew up in a little small country town out here in North Carolina, I grew up with my grandmother, I stayed there until I was about 13 years old. And then I came where I am today in North Carolina to live with my mother. So, throughout my childhood, there was a lot of things that I encountered DOM that children should not have encountered. Absolutely no faults, my grandmother, of course, but just things that we encountered growing up as children, you know, such as molestation and living in poverty and things that I really had no idea that was happening at this time, because we made the best of what we had, right? Because I didn't know any better at the time. So, I transitioned, I came here to live with my mother. And it was almost like, that was a turning point for me, because I feel like that's kind of where my life took a turn for the worse, for better lack of words, where I kind of started getting access to the street life, and you know, alcohol and sex, and just all the things that I feel that as teenagers a lot of us experience, but I experienced a lot younger. So, I feel like I grew up quick if that makes sense. So basically, you know, I traveled that journey, my life took a turn for the worst. And at that point, it was like I was either going to end up somewhere good or locked up, or, you know, it would have been a bad journey. For me, I'll say that. So ended up getting into corporate, I got a background in mortgages. So, I started traveling down the corporate journey and things started to really unfold for me.Then I started to see things from a different light, I started to see possibility, I started to really see another side of life that I had never had access to before. So, once I started doing my corporate journey I got into mortgages, I would like to raise the ladder really quick in the mortgage industry. And then back in 2013 is where my journey really started. Because that's when I was laid off from my corporate job at Wells Fargo, I jumped into entrepreneurship headfirst, again, had no idea what that looked like. For me, that was not something that we discussed at the dinner table growing up. So, I didn't know what this other side looked like. I just knew I had to figure something out. Right? So, I jumped in headfirst get into entrepreneurship, struggle really bad at first. But then something happened in my career just took off. And then it was like the next year, we were on the up and up. So, we started traveling the world, people started asking me to share my story, because it just didn't make sense for this little girl from this little country town that had all these things going on to be where she was. So, then I started writing books and people wanted to hear more about how did you do this? All right, so that's kind of where the journey began for me. And then, right after that, I ended up getting pregnant with my son. And I hit a severe, harsh stop, like I got really depressed and started having suicidal thoughts. And it was at that moment that my personal development journey really began. And this is what led me down the path of where I am today.


So, I hear in there kind of a lot of different catalysts. But let's go all the way back for a second. And how did you use the things that happened to you when you were young? To fuel you as opposed to stop you?


Wow! that's a really good question. So, I think for me, I feel like I've always had that drive at the time to prove something right. Because at the time, it was a matter of, well, you know, someone doesn't want to help me or you're not going to if I ask someone for help about around something or you know, at this time if I needed money Do whatever. And people didn't want to help me, I felt like I was getting a lot of rejection. So that fueled me to say, okay, you know what, you don't want to help me, it's okay, I'm gonna figure it out anyway. So that's kind of where it started. And honestly, it's one of those things where I always tell and especially now, when I work with my clients, I always tell them, when I started my journey, it was filled from problems, it was filled from challenges, it was being filled from a place of not such a positive place. But now, looking at the things that fill me, I'm being filled more from a place of empowerment versus a problem. So, at the time, it was a problem that was kind of driving me to say, you know, what, okay, well, I'm in this hardship, so I'm not gonna stay here, I'm gonna prove that I can make this happen. And for me, I felt like that was the wrong intention. I didn't know that obviously, back then I just knew I have to make something happen, right? I have to figure this out. And I figured it out. So now looking back on that experience, I'm being fueled more from my passion than I am my, you know, being feel more from like, the problematic standpoint, then, you know, like, okay, now I know, I can empower the world, how can I step into that and lean more into that, and, and allow that to fuel me versus, I feel like I must struggle before I felt like I had to struggle to get here. That's the whole mindset thing. I know, we probably don't have a lot of time to get into that. But I was just driven to do more because I had to prove a point. That's kind of what led me to get to that point of just even traveling spiritual journey universities.


So, do you think that your upbringing, in your experience, you mentioned, it was a lot of street mentality? Do you think that actually made you braver and more up to take risks? Or do you think that didn't really play one way or the other?


Yeah, most definitely, it definitely did. And one thing that I can take away from that is just in, it's almost like in that environment, we have to find a way you had to figure things out. So, I think just having that grit of resilience, so to speak, that kind of carry Oh, that's one thing. I'm glad that I was able to carry to entrepreneurship, because a lot of entrepreneurs get into this journey. And they think, oh, I hit one hardship, and I'm just gonna give up. I didn't have that me. I never had a spirit of giving up in me, because I had to figure it out from a young age. And then when I started having children, it was one of those things where I was struggling so bad. I was like, oh, my gosh, how are my children gonna eat, I have to like, have a yard sale, I have to figure this thing out. So, I had that determination. And that resilience in me from that, I guess, that space that I was in. So that's just something that really carried me through when it came to entrepreneurship. So now, instead of it being from a negative standpoint, it's like, okay, now I have that on a positive standpoint. So now I can utilize that same drive, that same resilience, that same courage and that same boldness to really show up in this space, more powerfully and more energetic than I would have ever thought I could be or do and in various ways.


So, do you think all of that is something that if it's not inherent within us that we can learn it? 


I absolutely believe that because the thing is, the beautiful thing about this spiritual experience that we're all traveling is, we can always unlearn things, just like we can learn new things, right? There's no limitation to where our mind can go. There's no limitation to who we can actually be in this human experience that we all have the beauty pleasure of traveling right now at this time. So absolutely. Even if you were someone that had everything handed to you, or maybe you were someone that didn't really struggle as well, or you never been through poverty or even know what the street life is, like, you absolutely can learn how to step into the more empowered version of yourself and embody that and allow this carry through this journey.


How much do the people that we surround ourselves with have to do with our success?


Oh my gosh! 100% like you, you are your relationships, like seriously, because you have to think about everything is energy. Like that's one thing that I'm very adamant about in this universal time that we're in right now, every single thing is energy. So, if you are around people that are complaining all the time, that you know, have a really mediocre mindset that just don't really want to do anything with their life. They say that you are like the five people that you surround yourself around, right? And I truly have found that to be so true because even on this journey, there are people that I had to let go, you know, and it wasn't in a way like oh, I can't talk to you anymore. I don't love you anymore. It almost worked itself out because I started elevating at such a high level and a high frequency that it kind of removed it. So, they removed themselves because we just weren't a vibrational match any longer. So, I absolutely believe that 100% of the relationships that you're around definitely affects or enhances where you are in your journey, or where you can go with your journey.


Do you believe that it's a, if you can dream it, you can be it? Kind of as let me say, or do you believe that? You know, I can make anything happen? I don't necessarily tell you believe it's as if I can dream, and I can bet.


I absolutely believe that. And you know, what's interesting about that is, I want to say this for everyone that's reading today. Anything that we can imagine we absolutely can be, we can absolutely do. However, where the disconnect happens is a lot of people think oh, if I just visualize, you know, making a million dollars, it's gonna just fall in my lap, there are still things that you have to do in order to make those things happen. And so, the way that I see it is okay, if I have this big vision, I know that I didn't get that download for, again, just come out of nowhere. So obviously, there's a desire that I have somewhere in my heart somewhere in this energetic space that I live in, I have that desire. Now I have to sit with myself and say, Okay, what's next for me? Like, who do I have to become to make that dream come true. And that's really what it all boils down to, you don't just have the dream, and then imagine something, and it's just gonna fall in your lap. That's totally not the way it goes. But once you have that desire, you have that dream, you have to become that version of the person that can manifest that.


So, do you think that we need to become that person first? Or do you think that we become that person as the dream becomes a reality?


What I mean by that is, like, let's just say that, for example, where I am today is where I imagined myself to be eight years ago. And I'm a stickler for journaling, and just I'm assuming he's visionary. So, all of the things that I'm doing now, I saw this eight years ago, and I started to embody that version of Shavannah, then meaning, for example, my bank account was like negative $400.08, eight plus years ago. So, when I would journal, I will journal as if I was already that version of Shavannah. So, I would say things like, oh, my gosh, I'm so happy and grateful to be living in, you know, this beautiful home, meeting with my clients daily, having most of those and margaritas and just, you know, having sushi dates with the girls, you know, while everybody is at work, so I already was embodying that energy before I became this person. And even though realistically, in my life at the time, from what my human brain could say, or think I was negative in my bank account, and it just didn't make sense to me, I will begin to surround myself around people that were at that level. So, I will put myself in spaces that will make me very uncomfortable. But what that will do for me was, it will allow me to embody the energy of what that would feel like to be a six-figure earner to have a very successful business to do be on national TV. So, I would just intentionally surround myself around that type of energy so that I could embody that. And what happens is, the more that you can embody that version of yourself, the more it will become your reality, unintentionally. So instead of you trying to work hard towards it, you just become that version of yourself. So, I would ask myself, okay, how it sticks vigor, Shavannah, how will the six-figure version of Shavannah show up today, she's not showing up in sweatpants with a hair all over the place. That's the current version of who I was, how would the six-figure version of myself show up, she would show up dressed up, she would have her makeup on, she would have her nice suit on, she's eating at, you know, fancy restaurants. And it's so interesting, because even when I tell my clients or share these stories and things for my clients, I talked to them about the times where when I had a negative bank account, but I will be eating at the instead, or I will go to like the fanciest restaurant and I will get a salad, I will have my laptop, knowing that I couldn't afford it. But it was just something about immersing myself in that energy that made it real for me. So, the more that I could do that, the more that it was becoming my reality. And I didn't even realize it was becoming my reality because I had become that person so much and immerse myself in that even though my reality, totally different from what I was manifesting. It manifested quicker if that makes sense. So, it took me up. It took out the effort of, oh my gosh, I have to go work 80 hours a week and I'm like, No, I'm not available for that. So


One thing that I I'm curious about, because I think a lot of people would think that in this journey if they have negative $400, in their bank account, they're doing all of these things to try and manifest it, that imposter syndrome would show up. Did that ever show up for you?


Absolutely. Most definitely. I guess for me, it was very interesting. Because even though there was a sense of So for the record, at this point in my career, I no longer subscribe to the belief of the imposter syndrome. I'm just not available for it. Because I have such an awareness now of the fact that I create my reality. However, eight years ago, this was like a foreign language to me. But at that time, absolutely, because you have to think about this. Like, with me and my background, the way that I grew up, this wasn't something that we talked about it was almost like another world for me. So anytime, I would see, and I think what  really shifted the game for me is when I  read the book, and the movie, The Secret. Once I was aware that there was another way I was like, hmm, I'm curious about debt, right? Let me just try this and see what happens. So that's kind of the space that I was in. So even though my bank account was negative 400, I knew Okay, let me just visualize this. That's why I started doing vision boards, and really, you know, putting myself in that environment and implementing these habits and changing my habits daily. And what would happen is I will hit a block, because reality would kick in and say, well, Shavannah, this is not even how you grew up, you know, you can't you making six figures? What does that look like? Like, you're not even worthy of doing that. So, when those thoughts come up, what saved me was the fact that I had people around me that I had to intentionally surround myself around that will help me elevate my frequency, because you can't go through this journey alone. Like, obviously, if you're in a space where you have doubt, you feel like you're unworthy, you feel as though this isn't possible. For me, I see everyone doing it, but it's just not possible for me. And you're just in that space by yourself, you're gonna stay in that space. So, it was so important. And that's why I'm so glad you asked that question earlier about people who are around me. So, it was important for me to surround myself around people that were at a higher level that thought at a higher level that operated at a higher level than myself. So, when I was in that fight, and I knew, like, oh, my gosh, I see this vision, I know that it can happen, but I don't believe that I'm worthy, then I can go around someone that's like, hey, you know, we're gonna go to Paris this week for four days, and then the other week, and it just didn't make sense. But that allowed me to say, man, if it's possible for them, I know it's possible for me, let me keep going. Does that make sense?


It does. How did you find your people? So


 Social media was a huge prospect for me at the time. So obviously, I started following people on social media that I felt like had powerful stories that were highly successful. And then I would just kind of like, reach out to them and build relationships with them. That was one way. The other way was networking. I am a huge networker. So, I was like looking at networking events. Like every week at the time, when I first started my business, I was at a networking event, maybe twice a week, I don't know


how you and I met in the first place.


Like, I am totally a huge networker. So, I just started putting myself out there. I was like, I can't do this, I'm gonna go crazy if I sit in this house and just not get around people. And I think for me, my energy bounces off other people's energy you right? When it comes to even just like your answer or an extrovert, right? I'm one of those people, I absolutely love my personal space, because I do have to have that sacred space to work and to, you know, get my mind right for my clients and things like that. But on the other side of that, I have to be around people, I can't just sit here in this little bubble, or I will go crazy. So, I started networking. So those are the I will say the top two ways that I found people to elevate it at a higher frequency. And then I found people that who are beyond where I was at the time, but we're where I desire to be.


Do you also think because I know this is one thing that I found along the way is that the people that you start off surrounding yourself with may not be the people that you need for the next level or the next level or the next level. And I think for me, I think it's very important to keep kind of being open to that next level of, of who you surround yourself with. What do you think about that? 


 Absolutely, again, just this journey that we're on, one thing that I'm adamant about is we are all created to evolve. Like when you even look at the universe, the universe expands evolves every 17 seconds So as human beings, we are not put here to stay in this little box that we put ourselves in, we are all created to evolve, I feel that our purpose in life evolves as we evolve our clients that we work with. As we evolve, they evolve, you know, we evolve to a higher level or higher caliber clients. With that being said, it's almost like, I think I mentioned earlier like once you are elevating at a different frequency, and I use the word frequency a lot, but once you that's just the way the world works. But once you're like, elevated at another frequency, by nature, it's just law that things that aren't on that level will automatically fault or kind of shift away from you. Because now you're not speaking the same language. And it's not that you're intentionally saying, well, I'm better than you now, or I'm above you, now, I can't talk to you anymore. Like I will never do that. However, I have found on my personal journey it is the more I elevate sodas my circle, the more I elevate, so does the people that I even attract into my circle, right, so now, the eight year old and 10 year old version, like old meaning eight years ago version of Shavannah the people that I would have attracted, and the people that I did attract into my experience, are totally different from the people that I'm attracting now. Totally different caliber of people. But again, that comes with me evolving, that comes, how I'm even showing up in the world, and who I am being on a consistent daily basis.


And, you know, you also touched on an interesting point, too, that people need to realize that this is a journey. And so many people get stuck on, I can't start till everything is perfect, not realizing that this is a journey. And where you are today is never going to be where you are six months from now, a year from now. And so. But go ahead, talk to us a little bit on that.


No, it is a journey. And if you will learn we will all learn to just embrace the journey, I feel that we will be more I guess, fulfilled, that's the word I'm looking for. I feel that we will find more fulfillment in life and in what we're doing and who we're being versus feeling like it's such you gotta hustle, or it's such you know, like pulling teeth, or it's just such a headache. No, this is beautiful that we get to be this. So, one way that I began to look at that is, instead of me having to say, oh, well, I have to create this program, I have to get this many speaking engagements a month to make 100,000 hours, whatever the case may be, I began to shift my perspective and say, wow, I get to do this, I get to show up every day, and impact lives. So, it becomes more. So, I get to do this, I get to be this person, versus I have to figure this out, I have to hustle hard, I have to, you know, like, go out here and work 100 hours a week, because that feels like pressure that feels like stress that feels like overwhelming for me. So, I'm not available for that any longer. Because I know now, we create our reality. So even when you just begin to shift your perspective on how you're showing up in the world, you began to see things a little bit differently. But more importantly, it allows you to enjoy this journey. You're not the same person you were even last week, like that's the whole point we are created to evolve. So, as we evolve, we are on this journey to be more to become more, and I think that's such a beautiful thing about this life that we live in today. Because it's almost like every day you get to wake up and I play this little game with the universe. Like every day I wake up and I feel like what can I manifest today, because it's so fun to me now. It's almost like, wow, I get to really create this, I get to wake up every day and be this person, I get to wake up every day and just enjoy the beauties of life. And life is so beautiful. If you allow yourself to see it that way. You know, we're so caught up and we have to work hard we have to do this we have to travel this journey, the way that society said that we have to travel this journey. And a lot of those things that we've learned even growing up, we have to unlearn to get to that next level in our journeys, because I'm not gonna say they were all lies, but in a sense, it wasn't our truth. You know. And that's where all of these limiting beliefs and this impostor syndrome and all of these things come from because our human mind is created to keep us safe. So, anything outside of that anything if you're stepping into the unknown, or if you're, you know, launching new territory, we feel like oh my gosh, if he doesn't happen overnight, then it's not gonna happen to me. And that is that's not the truth. The point is to enjoy the journey, to embody the version of yourself that you desire to be and just enjoy the moments getting there because everything is always working out for you. Everything is always unfolding the way that it's supposed to base on your level of belief that you currently have, right, and as you travel the journey, obviously that's going to increase. And then you're going to manifest more into your life more into your experience. And you're going to look back and be like, wow, this, this really is a journey. But it's a beautiful journey. If you allow yourself to see that.


Let me ask you this. How do you balance the story of the shavannah that was, and using that to help inspire other people with the shavannah that is? Now?


The biggest thing? For me? That's a really good question. The biggest thing for me, I think, is speaking to the more empowered version of Shavannah. And the person that I'm calling was their meaning. When I started sharing my story. 8-10 years ago, I was sharing it from a victim standpoint, because I want people to feel sorry for me, like, oh, my gosh, you know, this is how I go, what am I gonna do with my life? Now, I ain't sharing that to give people hope. I am sharing it to say, you know, what, if I can do this, you can do this, if I can do this, anybody can do this, trust me. So now it's coming from a more empowered place versus a victim mindset, if that makes sense. So, two totally different audiences, two totally different energies. And it allows you to now attract a level of human beings and clients that are looking to shift and operate as the more empowered version of themselves versus that person that's saying, well, you know, I'm in poverty now. And I like it here, you know, I just want to go beyond welfare it I, you know, I love I enjoy this, like, we're not available for that, right. So, at that version of Shavannah, it was coming from a victim mindset, that's just the gun on his truth. Right now, it's the more empowered version, I'm sharing it from a place of hope, of joy, of love of showing you what's possible, so that you can elevate your level apparatus, the highest version of yourself,


love it. talk to us a little bit about your coming TV show.


Oh! my gosh! So, this show literally just fell in my lap. and again, this is what I've seen just fall in your lap, I promise you because it's like, I was just telling someone a story about two weeks ago, because she was learning how to tap in and I said, I was sitting home one day, on a Sunday, watching TV, I don't usually do business on the weekends. And I got a call from a friend, I've already kind of just been in the media aspect or media room previously, however, it was never on this level. And he just said, hey, I have an opportunity for you, I know that you were looking to do a TV show a few years ago, if that's still like one of your desires, boom! here it is. And I was like, I'm sure like, at the time, I had absolutely nothing together, I just knew that I was calling to do something more, I knew that eventually, whatever platform I will end up on, I will be able to make a massive difference in the world. And that was the desire, it was never really like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna be on screen in front of a million people. But that's just, how it showed up for me. And that's why I say I said earlier, like, even on this journey, we just began to enjoy the journey and not necessarily focus on how our desires will always unfold, they will always manifest for us. I knew what I wanted, I set the intention. And this is how it unfolded in my life. So, we're now waiting on the date for CBS to see when the show launches, but it's called Limitless Living with Shavannah-speaks-moore. And it's just really a way to bring a more positive light and a positive energy to the world where people can really share their real life stories around the obstacles, the trials and tribulations and their stories around how they got to where they are, because I think a lot of the times people see us as successful women, influencers, celebrities, your average, you know, corporate woman, and they just see the success, they just see where you are, they have no idea that five years ago, you were like in your pillow crying about it, like, freak in go crazy to get to where you are today. So, we are, and I feel that in the media. I want to shift the trajectory of what people see when they see women on TV, especially with African American women. That's just one of the things when people see us is always like drama, all you must have is entertainment. Like I don't want to entertain you, I want to impact your life. I want to change the world. Like that's really the goal here. So, to be able to bring a different energy, a different light to the world to show them like hey, this is what we can do. This is what's possible in the world where you really have the desire to make an impact versus just being saying I can get on TV and be seen any day of the week. But the goal for me is to make an impact, long lasting impact that when that woman that sees me, and she's sitting here with her three, four or five children, and she's about to give up on life, and she sees that show and she says, wow, I can't believe this is where they are. And this is where they came from, that gives her hope to live her life limitlessly. Let her know that you are a limitless human being, and there's absolutely nothing that's impossible for you.


Love it, and I can't wait till the show comes out. Fine. Okay, with that shavannah, I just have four final questions for you. First one is what's the best piece of advice you're ever given? 


the best piece of advice I was ever given. Wow. I would say a mentor of mine told me right around the time I was laid off from Wells Fargo, I remember sitting in a car and I was like crying and booing and all of that stuff goes like oh my gosh, what am I gonna do with my life and he said to me, you are successful walk in it. And it didn't really resonate with me until like years later and I was like, okay, like I'm not successful I just got laid off from my job, so it just really didn't get at that time. But when I put an affirmation up on my window in my mirror or my mirror in my bathroom and I will look at it every single day and as I grew into that person going back to what you were saying earlier like do you become that person  you go into it goes hand in hand as I was going into that person I will look at the affirmation every day in this manner you are successful walk in it. So that meant for me it translated to say own it. You are successful even though your bank account was negative, you are successful, just own it, walk in it right.


So, love it. Share with us one thing on your bucket list


one thing on my bucket list so one of the things I really want to do is a retreat I want to do a retreat for women in a very exotic place somewhere like Valley or somewhere and really have women come in there and have a holistic experience just from the inside out. And I want to cater to the entire woman like your mind your body your soul everything and that has been something that I've dreamed of doing now for few years so I would definitely say that's one of the things that is on my bucket list to do


when the toy companies finally get around to making an action figure of you what two accessories will it come with?


Definitely a hat because I am such a hat lover always have been and more than likely have a very iconic piece of jewellery.


Love it. And last thing Shavannah how do people find you on social media website?


. So, I'm everywhere at shavannah speaks-moore, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, which I need to do better at being on but everywhere Shavannah-speaks-moore.


Love it. Thank you so very much for being here. 


Thank you for having me.


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