Two Giant Steps for Success

Martin Brossman, business - Martin Brossman & Associates LLC

Martin Brossman is a leading authority on Linkedin, Reputation Management, and building a positive digital presence. He has collectively over 10,000 followers. Just Google his name! 

Brossman is a Success Coach, consultant, and dynamic trainer known for his insight and humor.  A member of the National Speakers Association, Martin is a popular speaker on effective and safe online reputation enhancement and professional development topics. He regularly teaches statewide for towns, communities, and schools in North Carolina. He also provides customized coaching and training for individuals and groups, integrating digital media, professional networking, and reputation management. Integrating success on the ground and on the web.

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Everything had to be perfect…and in having your own business that became a problem because you have to know the difference between making it very accurate and good enough to get out the door.

If you were a graphic designer, you probably should spend quite a bit of time on your first impression of images for graphic design…then learning to let some of the other things go is critical.

Our time really is money.

It’s the aim, aim, aim, aim, aim consider firing someday approach.

It can also be used as a tool not to face failure.  One of the most important muscles to develop is…the ability to fail and recover quickly.

Fail fast.  Fail often.  

Take small calculated risks where you can afford the consequences.

It doesn’t mean in those experiences of failure you don’t have a moment of ‘oh no’…it just means moving through them quicker.

Perfectionism is often a tool for hiding out.

Don’t deny yourself the fact that it might not feel good.  It’s ok….that you’re getting some data in…the you got knocked off the horse.

Biologically we can only perceive so much data.  We’re gonna leave stuff out and we’re affected by it.

Start identifying with something greater and a commitment instead of perfection.

What does real win-win look like?

I think the challenge of who we identify as ourselves is one of the biggest problems….most of us built our identity to the most part, under 10 years old.

Be anything but yourself, you’ll be an upgrade.

This thing that we think is our identity is build before we are mature enough to know what it is and it’s running us like a program.

What am I identifying with?

What is sustainable over time is what we are going to be committed to identifying with.

I was blessed with the challenge in life that in 4th grade, there was something wrong…at the time, the only tutor that the school had was the one working with the special needs kids…I was moved out of my class to work with that woman and I made a very big decision there was something critically wrong with me…that was a pivotal decision in how I identified with myself…I believed I was intrinsically broken and there was no way out.  

I finally had to identify with something other than the concept in my head of ‘I’m too stupid to be alive.’

Unless I build something else to identify out of, there was no way out.

‘Who are you going to identify as you?’ Moving forward can give you a level of consistency over time.  And that’s how you can get some room from that conversation in your head.

Denying our children wounds, denies the potential of their growth.

Some of the most amazing people I’ve met in my life, when you learn about their childhood, you want to just say ‘how did you survive it?’

Perfectionism is a manifestation of probably a decision made by a 7 or 9 year old, you’re still living out that’s running you like a routine out of control.

Coaching is NOT therapy.

It’s like trying to catch something in the shadows and asking ‘where is this coming from?’

If you come from a perspective of compassionate observer…what if I made up that i’m smart enough?…What if I picked a commitment to live out of ‘even if I failed at it, that would be a noble life for me?’

Be a catalyst for others…on their death bed they’d be moved to tears by their own life.

I’m going to give up judging.  In the end, I’ll look back and I’ll either succeed or fail.  And if I failed, how would I feel?  Well, you made the effort…

The beginning is to be suspicious of your own kind of shadow…

We’re over obsessed with this concept of ‘be yourself’….what the heck is that?

Why don’t you pick as an adult what you want your life to be committed to and then in grounded ways, start collecting evidence on it?

The Beautiful Mind…in the end the hallucinations weren’t running his life, but they didn’t leave.  That’s the gold.  I’m not listening to you anymore….It’s not about eliminating…it’s like having a great opponent…and knowing their not going away…you will become a better player.

It’s starting to accept what’s there and then…what can I do with this?

The most efficient thing is ‘how can I use it as a resource?’

I used comedy as a survival technique…I don’t want to lose that.  I just want to be in charge of when I bring it out.

I was given the Governor’s award for taking humor to cancer patients.

What do you want to leave this world?  What do you want your life to be about?…Start there.

Paraphrasing…We are never really alive until we embrace our own mortality.

There’s a stone with my name on it….I need to take a moment and be present that this is where it ends….what am I gonna do until I get here?

What can I do today that’s within my means that can move towards that?

We make a great deal of our decisions out of fear.

When we’re in the moment, there’s a lot less fear than when we’re in the possible future.

What if I treat these learning challenges as a sleep state? What would it take to wake up?

A commitment to the future, grounds me in the present.

Other people have a great deal of influence….what you can do is maneuver yourself around to minimize the influence.

There have been times when I’ve seen people change a core belief and then other people changed.

Don’t underestimate that we’re co-connected.

This isn’t always a smooth path.

Can I transform it?  Can I change it?  or Can I choose it?

You have to make some evaluations.

The more they change, the more their souls seem to die.  Which aligns…with not accepting who you are and what you have…

Choose what you have.

What would be a life that we’ve be proud we lived?

There are days that won’t be comfortable, but they can be more meaningful.

Take a little time to evaluate your life.

I’m going to live my life as if I’m making a difference and I’m not going to keep score til the end.

Audio : Ariza Music Productions


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