You’re Playing Too Small

My name is Kacia Fitzgerald, and I am the host of EmpowerHER Podcast & Founder and CEO of SheGoes Co.

Kacia is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, speaker and podcaster who's on a mission to help women unapologetically share their voice & message with the world.

She is the host of the top rated podcast EmpowerHER with over 3 million downloads the first 2 years! 

She's also the Founder & CEO of She Goes company, which is focused on cultivating a global community of personal growth obsessed women, and helping women who want to launch or grow their podcasts!

She's found that what's often holding women back is the thoughts that they think about who they are & what they are capable of so she takes her knowledge from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years, paired with her high energy bubbly personality and a "Come with me, let's figure this out together" approach to light a fire under their booty to get out of their own way and go.

People can connect with me through: 

My IG Handles: @kacia.fitzgerald &

My Website:

My Podcast:

My Free Pump Up Text List: Text ICONIC to 5125482728

Marlana: Kacia Fitzgerald is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, speaker, and podcaster, who's on a mission to help women unapologetically share their voice and message with the world. Welcome Kecia!

Kacia: I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for having me. 

Marlana: So, today we're gonna talk about playing too small. And which really serves no one. 

Kacia: Yeah.

Marlana: Why do you think we do it?

Kacia: I think we're socialized, especially as women to take up less space and to have these people pleasing tendencies because we're told we're good if we fit into certain standards of other people's expectations of us. And then I think we're constantly bombarded with a lot of stimulus that saying, you should be this, at this age, at this stage of life, you should be going down this career path, you should want this, you should wanna look like this, you should act like this. And that constant stimulus has us looking for external validation, rather than going internal and asking ourselves, like, what's true to me? And what do I actually want and what feels aligned, and what's gonna make me feel fulfilled, and what's gonna make me get to the end of my TBD amount of days here, and be like, Yeah, I showed up, and I did it my way. And it's scary. It's a slippery slope when we play too small, because I truly do believe that every single one of us as individuals, is gifted a vision for our life, that's not going to look like anybody else's. And that's like, our gift back to the world is to give our gifts to the world. I think it's really important that when we catch ourselves playing small, wanting to just even water ourselves down, I got a really big personality. So, I've had to work on that, like, I'm not gonna water myself down, in order to fit somebody else's expectations of what I should be like, or what a woman should be like. And so, it's really important that we catch ourselves on that. I love just going straight to the juice because that's good. 

Marlana: Yeah. And I tell clients that all the time too because if you don't share what, who you are and what you do, first of all, somebody needs to hear it the way you're going to say it. 

Kacia: Yep! 

Marlana: And needs it the way you're going to do it. And if you don't do that, that's actually selfish, because you're not them with the gift you have. 

Kacia: Yeah! Yep! Well, and it's like, your life to your point, you know, is a testimony of what's possible for other people. So, it's the person who's like, but I struggle with anxiety, or I'm an introvert, or I'm struggling with this certain thing. Well, somebody needs to see you and your exact situation do that, because they need to see what's proof of pot, you know, proof of what's possible for them. And so often we forget about who else is going to benefit as a byproduct of us, you know, going for our dreams, not just in terms of, in the entrepreneurial space, like sales or income or, or even impact, but really just, we don't know who's watching us, who doesn’t want to do the same thing that we want to do. But they need to see someone who's unapologetic about owning who they are, taking up space and chasing whatever those dreams are. I'm so with you on that. 

Marlana: Yeah. And you know, it's funny because I am that person by having anxiety. And I'm an introvert. 

Kacia: Yep! And there are people that are like, yes, I need to see you show up, because that is showing me that I could do it. If she could do it, why can't I do it? Right? It's so important. 

Marlana: Can you recognize by looking at somebody if they are playing too small?

Kacia: I can recognize it by body language, often, if they feel as if they're unsure of themselves. And they're second guessing themselves. I can tell pretty quickly when I'm talking to someone, if they have people pleasing tendencies, where they're not able to make their own decisions. And I can pick up on the vibe of it, but it's when I ask them like, what do you want? Or what are you excited about right now? What follows that question, what the answer is, that's when I can really tell if they're even letting themselves think about what's possible for them. And a lot of times, it's coming down to this worth piece, right? Like, am I worthy, someone told me that I could do this? And that's all I've decided I'm able to do, right? I can't push beyond that scope. And then it's the environment that they're in. Because we often become a byproduct of the expectations of our peer group, right? Because all of your friends and every all your family and everyone you're hanging out with all the content you're consuming is people that aren't really going for it with whatever going for it looks like for them. Your expectation is that's what I should do. That's just what it's like, that's normal. I don't want to be abnormal. And because as humans, we are wired to want to stay in community. We want to protect ourselves. We want those familiar thought patterns. It's understandable that we do it. It's understandable that we play small it's then having to go back and challenge that that primal programming that we have to say like what's a different course of action? What's that going to look like for me and how good could it get? Right? 

Marlana: It's interesting because I read once that if you look around your circle and you aren't inspired, you don't have a circle, you have a cage. 

Kacia: Yeah! Yeah. It's so true. 

Marlana: So how do we break out of that? How do we learn to play bigger? space? 

Kacia: I think some people that are very analytical driven, it's actually helpful to just sit down and take inventory of the people that you're spending time with like, are you the one that's the most ambitious one? Are you the one that's the healthiest? Are you the one that has the strongest relationships? Because even take it down to relationships, I don't want to hang out with people that aren't in marriages where they are happy with each other. Right? I just don't want that energy around me, if I want to have the foundation of my marriage be something that excited about, I also don't want to be the biggest thinker in the room in all rooms, right? I don't want to be the person who's constantly like pushing the envelope. So, it's really starting with first taking inventory and saying, “who physically around me, am I actually spending time with? What is their influence on me?” because everybody's influencing us in some way. And it's not to say you have to have your entire circle be people that are, you know, big thinkers chasing their dreams going for it. There's a need for all different types of people in our circle. But it's really understanding, do I only have people that are comfortable? Do I only have people that are counting down the days til Friday? Do I only have people saying it just is what it is? Or I'm not that state saying a lot of conditional statements, first taking inventory, and then asking yourself, if I can't get the people that I want in my circle physically, how can I start getting really intentional about consuming content from them, trying to get in rooms, being around other people that is directly going to change the trajectory of your entire life, and then what you believe you're worthy of, and what you believe is possible for you. It's like, so often we say, people that are maybe listening to this podcast, they live in like a small town, they're like, why don't have anyone around me like that? Well! good thing! There's YouTube, and there's podcast. There's people that you can really borrow belief from them that have gone a couple of steps before you have what's possible for you. Which goes back to your original question of like, why we got to take up more space. Because we need people that are living, breathing proof, a testimony of saying, “hey! Come with me, I'm only a couple steps ahead of you, I can show you this as possible for you too.” But it really comes down very tactically, I think asking yourself, who do I actually spend time with? Whose content do I actually consume? What am I filling my mind with? And is that actually conducive to where I want to go? Is that contributing to the thought patterns that are going to help me just elevate to that next level with whatever it is that you're working on? And starting there can be really informative of like, Whoa! I don't have anybody in my circle. I mean, I got to that in my entrepreneurial journey, I got to that at a certain place my business where I had never, I hadn't been around anyone that had earned more income that I had just run into in my business. I was like, I don't physically know anyone, my parents, like I don't have anyone that has made the amount of income that I was making. And I had to quickly take inventory. I was like, well, I don't have these people around me physically yet. But I need to go borrow belief from someone that's gone before me, I need to check in on the narratives that I'm telling myself about people that make a certain amount of money, right? Like that type of stuff. It's really powerful. And it's actually… it's really simple. It's not easy, because we tell ourselves the story of, I don't want to let people down. I don't want people to think that I'm quote unquote, better than them or that I don't care about them. And that story is just a narrative that you're playing, right? 

Marlana: And that's our job to take inventory on those thoughts, too.

Kacia: Yeah. 

Marlana: Because I know, with various thoughts and things, if we bring it back to who told you that? Sometimes nobody told us that. It's just a scenario we have made up in our head that we can happen over and over. 

Kacia: Yeah! And other people's it's so often it comes back to like, even just your upbringing, or like a random thing that you a belief that somebody else put on you that you did not even question, and you've adopted as your own. I've had to ask myself that a lot of times, and even the last five years have been like, it's not actually my belief, or did somebody told me that, and I just took it as my own. I don't even believe that's true. Like, I don't believe that people that make a lot of money are quote unquote, bad people. Like, I don't believe that at all. I'm like, where did I learn that? You know, and maybe it does come down to who told me that or what situation came up that I then created that meaning, right? Because humans were like these, meaning creating machines, I'm like, we're gonna make that up for like, that's how we're gonna be. So I need to leave they're like, completely changed that belief. Or if it makes sense, adopted in a different way. But in that case, you know, it doesn't. 

Marlana: And, you know, I also am a strong believer that each level may require a different set of people around you. 

Kacia : Yes. 

Marlana: And that's okay. You're not leaving anybody behind. You're not letting anybody down. You're just trying to continue to get knowledge from people that are doing it bigger, better, and are at the point where you want to be. 

Kacia: Yeah! And it's really interesting because so often we have this narrative of like not wanting to leave people behind. But it's really you are a living, breathing proof of a testimony of someone who is going after whatever their version of great is, right, a lot of people settle in this good and they've got this gut feeling that they want more and more meaning, more alignment, it doesn't have to be being an entrepreneur, being a podcast, or putting your message out into the world, it doesn't have to be that. It's just what actually feels right for you. And then understanding that you've got to have people around you that are also working on those things. And, you know, even like, health wise, take inventory of your circle, it's like if you are the most health conscious person, and you're working on a health based goal, can't just hang out with people that are also wanting to like eat Doritos right before bed every night. That's not gonna serve you, and it's just so simple. I love this conversation. I love this logic, because it is so practical, and tactical that you can just implement who is around me. That's it, right? If I want to go this direction, I have got to find someone that has gone before me. And then we have to then understand that that's our responsibility to be that person that's gone before someone else. And I love this. I love it. 

Marlana: So, how did you find your people? 

Kacia: First through podcasts, which is actually why I wanted to start a podcast in the first place, is when I started to take inventory. And I had really big goals in the entrepreneurial space, and the type of impact and income and fulfillment that I wanted to have and just the direction that I wanted to go. I was like, I don't have a lot of these people around me that are showing me what's possible. So, I started to find podcasts, and YouTube videos and consuming content, I'm getting really intentional about the people that I was following on social media and making sure that it was people that I could borrow belief from of what's possible for me until I had that belief in myself. And because of that, I learned so much from listening into people's conversations that were a couple steps ahead of me. And their business journey and their mindset and what they believed was possible. And that made me want to start a podcast myself, because I was like, gosh! I've learned so much from podcasters, I've learned so much from just like peeking in, creeping in on these conversations, and really like, wow! That would be really, really impactful. So, I started my podcast almost three years ago, partially based off of thinking, if I've learned for that, maybe I could give that gift to someone else who can connect with me. And I may be just a couple steps ahead of them and be like girl, like, come with me, we got this, we can do it together. Right? 

Marlana: And you know, I think it's also important to note to people that you don't have to take the exact same steps or follow the exact same path as somebody else. I know, one of my favorite quotes was by Bruce Lee. He said, “take what is useful, reject what is not and make it uniquely your own.” And when we do that, that's when we start to really find who we are. 

Kacia: Yeah! And it's really interesting, because there's no possible way as completely different humans that will ever have the same path as somebody else. Right? Like, it's absolutely impossible that with the different strengths and weaknesses that I've gifted in the curveballs that I've thrown that are teaching me how to learn and process through, it's like, there's no way that any path is going to be linear in the first place alone, even trying to copy somebody else's path, because we have no idea what's going on behind closed doors for any other human in general. And we're responsible for curating an environment in our head that's conducive to getting us where we want to go. So, the conversations that we're having in our head, are, we're never going to understand what somebody else, what other conversations, somebody else had to have their head to get them there, right, we have to kind of, I think it's really interesting, because you hear a lot like, don't compare yourself to other people. And I think that's important. But at the same time, it's like, if you can have this healthy lens of comparison of saying like, this person's done something, and I want to do that, let me just see them and clap for them, because they've literally showed me what's possible, rather than, that person has something that I don't know. That person doesn't have anything that you don't, their path is going to look different, but they often have just tried more times than you've tried. They've just been around the block a little bit longer, they've had more time to get their reps in and get better because obviously, we started something new, we're not going to be very good. In fact, we're probably going to suck a little bit at the beginning, and you put your reps in, you're gonna get a little better. Then you're gonna get good if you actually keep showing up, you're gonna get great and that person that we're comparing our behind the scenes. Like, no makeup messy, but just got into a fight with our significant other to they're like perfectly curated Instagram posts. It's like we wonder why we're frustrated when instead… it's like, gosh! Let's use the fact that other people are out there sharing their stories to actually serve us and show us what's possible. And then to your quote, like the Bruce Lee type of thing, it's like, put your own little reason, next on it, right? Look at Uber. It was literally taxi with a rebec. Like, hey! you know!

Marlana: Do you see the same limiting beliefs come up over and over again? For when myself or for others? Or in general? 

Kacia: Yeah. Oh! For sure. It's just a… it's displayed in different ways, with our own context, our own little remix on it. I mean, a lot of it does come from back to the original question of like, we have us being socialized. To take up less space, or to be quote unquote, good girls are whatever, from a young age still. 

Marlana: Like pretty mentality. 

Kacia: Yeah! it's just so ingrained in us. We're pumped all of this messaging, that we need to want all of these things in order to feel like we're worthy. So, I think a lot of it does stem from primal nature of wanting to belong, from our brain that is wired to want to keep us in these familiar thought patterns, it's not wired to go jump off into the unknown, because we don't have those repeated behaviors. So often, that I think most of us stay stuck in the familiar, even if we know that we don't want it because we're more afraid of what could happen if we jumped into the unknown, because it's unknown. And we're just not wired for that. So, I think a lot of it comes from how we're raised and our culture, and then a lot of it is honestly, just from that primal nature that we have to ask ourselves, like, are these thoughts working for me? Because they're driving my behaviors and my actions? So how can I kind of get to the root of what's coming up and solve it at that root level, rather than trying to solve the symptom? Right? Which I think so often, in our culture, we're talking a lot about the symptom in general, right? Like, I'm not going to go into like healthcare and all that, but like, right, we're solving, we're just fixing, like, let's just band aid this, right? It's like, we take time and dig in there and get to the root. It's a childhood belief, combined with all of these layers of expectations of other people on you. It's like, Who the hell are you? Right? And like getting into the what that actually is, and then saying, how is my primal brain, which back in the day is used to protect us? How is it actually not serving you, because it's keeping you stuck, when you want something else, it's telling you that you can't have it, which is so interesting, I love geeking out of like psychology, sociology, and so, so important to really catch those thoughts. 

Marlana: And I think there's a back track kind of scoring. That's almost imperceivable, that is almost the scarcity mentality, where if she succeeds, then there's one less spot for me. And that is just not the case. I think, especially as women we need to get out of that mindset, because

there aren't limited spots, they’re spots for everybody. 

Kacia: Yeah. And truthfully, if someone's done something that you want to be doing, it's actually proof that the market wants it, which I think is really valuable. Because sometimes, like, if you're trying to do something really disruptive, that's difficult, but if another woman is doing it and seeing success, I'm like, oh! Okay! Great! You're doing it, I can't do it that way, I wouldn't want to, because I think how much energy it would take to try and be somebody else, right? It's another energy just to go through our life in like, human is tough. Sometimes, I'm not gonna waste any energy trying to be somebody else. I'm just gonna be myself. Which means if she's done something, and I'm like, Oh my gosh! I want to do something like that with my own take on it. Thank you for showing me that it's possible, thank you for showing me the market needs it. Thank you for going first, gifting me this idea. That was actually it me with my own take on it. And then I just go do it, knowing that I'm that inspiration for somebody else. And we forget that the path that we're charting, which is like, I'm looking at someone who I'm like, Thank God! She went first. Thank you for showing me what's possible. I'm so grateful for your life being a testimony of what I could do, too. She could do it; I could do it. And then we forget that while we're looking at someone else, someone else behind us is literally looking at us. And it's our duty to pay forward that chain of showing the next woman coming or you know, it doesn't even have to be a woman, just the next person coming. Right? What's possible for them and like that's our gift to the world. As creatives, as people that have this like gut feeling that we want more meaning, more alignment, like, gosh! Can you imagine what the world would be like if everybody who was just settling and good, picked whatever avenue they wanted great in and just went for it! But how, how amazing would that be? Right? But we choose thought patterns that aren't conducive to our growth. We choose environments in our head and around us that's going to keep us safe and comfortable. Because we think that safe and comfortable is what we want until that gut feeling that little rumble turns more into a roar and then you can ignore it. Then you have to take action because now it's too uncomfortable to say what you know, he's like, I know I meant for more. Right? 

Marlana: Right! So, first of all, if all of you hear all kinds of noise in the background here, it's one of the things from working from home. And I apologies, but there's trucks outside, nothing I can do about it. It didn't check in with me. So, what is one thing? If we do nothing else and need to get started into stepping into something bigger? What's one thing that we can all do to get started? 

Kacia: I think first and foremost, we can get really intentional about labelling the space between where we are now and where we wanna go with something that actually serves us. Right? So, in order to get started, I think the Getting Started part is tough for some people. But once we get it going, right, if you're thinking about something that you want to do, it's like asking yourself, what can I do in the next 24 hours to take one step in the right direction, right? Like, you can't run the marathon tomorrow, most people can't run a marathon tomorrow. But you can sign up for the marathon, right? You can't maybe publish the book, but you can come up with a book idea, you can call your shot publicly, you can't maybe start the podcast tomorrow. But you can definitely tell me that you're going to do it to get some skin in the game, you can buy the mic, right? Like, what's something that I can do in the next 24 hours to move the needle forward. And then as you're starting, it's dead, right? Straight out the gates, at least for me, it's knowing that, especially for the women that are really big dreamers, and really big, have a really big vision that kind of freaks them out, which I do is I have to say, I know that I'm not qualified for that big vision. And I'm not supposed to be because that space between where I am now and where I want to go, that space is required for me to qualify myself to be able to handle what's coming next. And because of all of these societal expectations, and this pressure that we put on ourselves, we want that instant gratification, right? We want it right now. Amazon Prime, we want it delivered, right, yesterday, but I actually am really intentional to make sure that I'm telling myself, I don't want it yet, my big vision, I literally cannot handle it yet, because I'm not the person that can handle it, I don't have the confidence to manage it. So, it doesn't spontaneously combust, I don't have the team to support it. Right. So, I need that time in between. And we're often we get stuck is maybe we can get started. But then we instantly hit this roadblock, because then we see how far we have to go to get where we want to go. And then we label that space as overwhelming or daunting, or I can never do it. And then we just numb ourselves because we don't like that negative emotion. So, we started scrolling social media, looking at somebody else who's doing it thinking that person has something that we don't because we're you know, comparing our behind the scenes, right? They're carefully curated, and like we just do this cycle. So, take it back to one piece, it's number one, what could I do to get started right away, because that action is going to give you clarity of who I liked this, or I didn't, or I did this, and I'm not very good. But I like it enough that I'm going to keep putting my reps in, that makes you feel like you're going in the right direction. And that direction is so much more important than speed. And you forget that. So, it's that and that I can't really just say one because I feel like one B is essentially you really got to just quickly catch on to the label that you're putting on that space, you are absolutely far away from the end goal. And that's the whole point. Like as humans, we want that progress, we want to feel that growth, we want to feel like we're taking steps in the right direction, right? And don't rob yourself of this fulfillment that comes from taking the hard path and reframing it as you go to get where you want to go. So, you can look back at the path that you took towards getting there and be like, dang! Look how much I grew! Look at the person I became in pursuit of that goal! Right? 

Marlana: I think a couple things that you said are worth kind of pulling out a little bit. One was that it's okay, for us to see that we're not the person that can handle that big goal yet. 

Kacia: Yeah.

Marlana: And also, to with every step that we take, I think it's also important to be able to look back and say, You know what! It was a step. I'm still not where I was. 

Kacia: Yeah, you're lapping a prior version of you who didn't even get in the game, right? Like it's so crucial to that along the way as we're doing something new that's already so scary to because it's unfamiliar and our brains aren't wired like that, as we know that I like to think of any pursuit towards any goal as confidence building number one, like one of the main reasons that I set goals is literally just so I can build confidence so that I can believe in my ability to figure anything out no matter what curveball comes. And I think of confidence, like a bucket where every single time that you show up, and you do the thing that you said that you're going to do after the ceiling that you said it is gone, right like you keep that promise yourself. It's like you're putting a deposit into your bucket. So, it's like blah! Blah! Blah! Every single day you show up to the day. It's like okay, what do I need to do today? The tiny little things to move the needle forward, and then you're just like popping those deposits into your bucket, which means when your sister or some random girl that you're connected with on social media or your whatever cousin doesn't think that your idea is good or doesn't think that goal is important or is like, why are you working on your health while you're working on your business, whatever it is, right? It feels like somebody hit the side of your bucket. So, a little bit of your confidence is going to slosh out because as much as like is socialized out there like, ignore everybody else, like blinders on. That's just not real, as humans we're literally designed to want to belong to. Of course, your feelings are going to be hurt. If someone makes fun of your idea, or says Your goal is dumb, or says you're not going to get there, it's going to not feel like your entire confidence bucket is depleted. If you've approached your goals with those tiny little wins, and those tiny little deposits along the way, rather than if you just expected that you were just going to arrive and all of a sudden feel confident. It's like I feel confident right now. But I'm also not confident enough to handle a vision of, for example, my podcasts getting a million downloads a month, I'm not there yet, in pursuit of that. But when I get there, I'll be able to handle it because of all of those deposits along the way. Because with a million downloads on your podcast a month comes a lot of people, which means a lot of people that also aren't going to agree with you or aren't going to vibe with you are going to have negative things to say about you. And I can handle it at this level. But I need the time to work up to that next level. Right, which I think sometimes we forget that that part is so crucial. 

Marlana: And I think that's another thing worth underscoring is that you're not going to be for everybody, and that's okay. 

Kacia: I love that so much because I have no desire at all to try and make somebody like me, in the end, I just can't do it. And I had seasons of my life where because I have such a big personality. And that I would want to Oh! Well, I should be like this, and this environment. I'm like, it is honestly exhausting. Especially for people listening into this that do have big goals, like I'm not wasting any of my energy that could be used to pour into the people that make my world go round to take care of myself so I can actually sustain my mission, or to pour into the people that I am for, it's just a disservice because nobody likes lukewarm anyways. Who likes lukewarm like a cheeseburger? A lukewarm cheeseburger? Get out! Right? Like nobody likes that. And so, I think it's just reminding yourself that. I mean, I purposely try and show up as unapologetically as I can, because I actually want people that I'm not for to just move on. Right? Just move on to the next. 

Marlana: There's only one service and they're doing a service by doing that, because they have discounted themselves… 

Kacia: Yeah. 

Marlana: which will make room for your tribe. 

Kacia: Yep! And I'm not going to be the person that they can see themselves in. I'm not going to be the person they can learn from because for whatever reason, they don't resonate with me. And that's totally cool. Right To your point, find that next person who's like, oh! This person gets me, I want to connect with her. Like, there will be people listening to this podcast. They're like, Who's this Kacia girl? I don't even know who she is. She’s, my jam. And there's people that listen, they're like, Okay! Like, that was interesting. But I don't need to go follow her podcast, or I don't need to go find her on social media. And that's totally cool. That's like that unapologetic nature of all of us of just saying, this is who I am, take it or leave it. That is what makes the world beautiful. I don't want a bunch of people like me, right in the world running around. Like, I mean, I don't… that would be a crazy, crazy story. But you know, I just think it's important that we all like lean into our own strengths. 

Marlana: Love it. And with that Kacia, I just have four final questions for you. 

Kacia: Yes! 

Marlana: One is, what's the best piece of advice you're ever given?

Kacia: Just that being me was the secret sauce, I think. I've said I've heard that in so many different iterations of just like, it's actually you. And so often we want to be more this or more that, right? Like, I've got a ton of energy, but I'm actually really not organized, right. And I've got so much desire to be on stages, I can speak and I go off the cuff. But if you give me a math problem, I'm gonna struggle, right. And it's almost like when you recognize your strengths, or your gifted strengths, and your weaknesses are things that you can literally outsource, right? Or just don't even pick something that like you're not in your zone of genius of the world just feels so much better. And I've really taken that to heart where I'm like, I know what I'm good at. And I'm going to stay in my lane of just doubling down on what I'm good at. I'm not worried about the things that are my flaws. I'm more so just kind of focused on like, let's just be myself, right. And I think a lot of us can take inventory and we get really like insecure or sensitive about the things that we're not good at. It's like I just own it. Like that's not something that I'm great at. So can I find someone else that can and if I need to learn it, I'm smart enough to figure it out. But I'm not gonna spend a lot of time focused on my weaknesses. 

Marlana: Show us this one thing on your bucket list.

Kacia: Oh! Gosh! So many things. I'm a big like adrenaline junkie, and I love skydiving and bungee jumping and stuff like that. 

Marlana: They’re been so many People that have been on the show want to jump out of planes. 

Kacia: Yeah! It's all together. It is so great, it's so great. I want to do the biggest bungee jump is in New Zealand. It's the highest bungee jump ever, I want to do that. And I'm probably gonna do that in the next couple years here. 

Marlana: So, when the toy companies finally get around to making an action figure of you, what two accessories will come with? 

Kacia: Huh! That's good. A mini trampoline. Because that is so helpful for life and just keeping your energy up. And then if this is lame, but I was gonna say a really big water bottle, because if I'm not hydrated… I'm the person that's like, I want my pee to be clear every day. Like, let's go so big water bottle and mini trampoline.

Marlana: And how do people find you? 

Kacia: My favorite social media platform is Instagram. It's just Kacia dot Fitzgerald Kacia. My podcast is called Empower Her Podcast: Monday, Thursday Episodes, and I like to answer all my DMs and hear what's going on. So yeah, come find me. 

Marlana: And also tell everybody about your text list. 

Kacia: Oh! Yes! I also have a text list where I send out like fun little pump up text messages every Sunday evening, and then a couple of times throughout the week, it's kind of like if your fortune cookie and your bestie had a baby. And you can text me like the salsa dancer emoji on your phone text at 25125482728. And you'll get those free pop up texts. 

Marlana: Love it. And also too, I know, I actually follow your she goes Instagram too, which is fabulous also, so everybody to check you out. 

Kacia: Ah! Thank you so much. This was such a fun conversation. I appreciate you having me. 

Marlana: Well, thank you for being here.

Audio: Ariza Music Productions

Transcript: Vision In Word


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